Holiday Shipping Cut Off Dates + Give Away!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 12:56PM

Need your bag by Christmas?

Make sure you get your order in by midnight (CST) on the following dates:

If you're in the US:

Standard - December 16th 

2nd Day - December 21st 

Overnight - December 22nd

If you're outside the US:

Standard - December 14th 

2nd Day - Unavailable 

Overnight - Unavailable

But don't wait until the last minute! They're moving fast and supplies are limited, so be sure to get your order in soon!

Also, remember there are no deadlines when you ORDER A GIFT CERTIFICATE

Or just WIN A BAG FOR FREE! (Thank you Petit Elefant!)

Happy holidays everyone! 

Article originally appeared on the Epiphanie Bags blog (
See website for complete article licensing information.