Today Nardia Cooper of New Zealand shares her "crap" shots with us, but more importantly, her inspirational story.
Several years ago while in pursuit of her diploma in Photographic Imaging, Nardia became ill. The treatment left her with vision damage which ultimately causes her eyes to shut down or be riddled with blind spots. She says, "This leads to quite a few Crap Shoots even with digital as I have trouble seeing where my focus lies within an Image. When I manual focus I find it very hard to obtain sharp focus."
The subject of Nardia's first photo is a friend of hers who just started a photography business.
Nardia says, "I truly love it and it so totally reminds me of her as it seems to have some of her boundless energy with all the bokeh and lens flare!"
The second image is of Nardia's friend and a few young girls during a promo shoot.
Nardia writes "this is also crap as it is out of focus too but it is dreamy and surreal and is one I love so much I have framed it!"
Nardia, we can't thank you enough for sharing your "crap" shots today. We love celebrating the story behind each photo!
Want to come play with us in Crap Shoot? Send your crappy, but make your heart smile shots to us at Don't forget to include a little back story and a brief bio about yourself. Lastly, please note "Crap Shoot" in the subject line. Thanks!