Epiphanie meets WPPI
Friday, February 24, 2012 at 10:34AM
[Epiphanie] in Airplanes and Blazers, Epiphanie Bags, Give-Away, Travel, WPPI

Last week the Epiphanie team traveled to Las Vegas for WPPI 2012! The whole experience was beyond incredible. The best part was meeting so many of you in person!

                                                                                                                                 above photos by Karen Walrond

Monday night we glamified ourselves and headed out to the party of all WPPI parties: Airplanes and Blazers Two!

Created and produced by the geniuses of The Flashdance, this party was undeniably epic. Imagine CRAZY FUN in a room with insane energy dancing to the best playlist of your life. 

Pretty sure we'll never forget that party and our first visit to WPPI!

Finally, it's time to announce the winner of our WPPI iPad giveaway:
Congratulations Jennifer Barut (@joshandjenphoto)! You are the lucky iPad winner!

Article originally appeared on the Epiphanie Bags blog (http://www.haveanepiphanie.com/).
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