Giveaways Every Day!

Do any (or all) of the following.
- Like us on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter
- View and leave a comment on our catalog.
- Share our catalog on your facebook wall.
Congratulations, you have four times the chance of winning, stay tuned!
PLEASE NOTE: The Epiphanie Daily Giveaway is not sponsored by, affiliated or associated with Facebook. Facebook participation is not required for entry in our contest. Entrants must be 18 or older. Winners are chosen at random will be announced here on our blog each day between 10:00am-noon CST.
Reader Comments (959)
commented on the catalog... I WANT IT ALL!!!!
shared the catalog on my fb wall!/krystal.marcoux2/posts/219294951478187
Well, I THINK I got it to work. I left a comment and pushed submit, but it never showed up or confirmed a comment. Maybe the comments are moderated?? I'm done trying. lol.
What amazing giveaways!
Already a Facebook fan!
Love ALL your bags! Hope to rock one someday soon :)
Shared the catalog to my wall and tagged your FB page in a comment <3 .
following on FB! would love to have a ginger bag!
posted catalog to my fb page! i think the ginger bag is the best for me--a stay at home, mommy blogger!
wohoo tweet and fb posted :D maybe today I will win! hehe
hellooo, i'm an epiphanie fan on fb! :)
i like on facebook, follow on twitter, and commented on the catelog! :)
Shared the catalog on my facebook page:
Left a comment on the catalog site! Love it!
Fan on facebook
I've done all four steps! :) Yippeee!!!
i did the steps! love the giveaway!
I liked on Facebook and follow you on twitter. Love it!!!
I did all four! Thanks!
following you on twitter :) @knbsmommy
shared your catalog on my facebook page:
left a comment on your catalog page. Thanks for the chance :)
Oh my, what beautiful bags! I travel and have both dSLR and point & shoot.... I would LOVE to be a receiver of one of your products.
I'm a fan and posted your recent catalog on my Facebook profile. :)
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
I did steps 1 & 2 in the giveaway. Been following you since before the bags were actually available!
Love you!
Already a FB fan!
Also follow on twitter!
Your bags are neat (and I'm not just saying that, they really are). I like you on the Facebook and am following you on the Twitter.
I started following you guys on Twitter!
Awesomeness!!! I follow you everywhere I can online, haha & LOVE the catalog, the photography is delicious! Thanks for the giveaway, Merry Christmas!!
I completed all 4 entries. I am @rockinmama in Twitter and Caryn Bailey in Facebook
I already liked on facebook and followed on twitter... now have posted on the catalogue and shared on my facebook wall!
Fingers CROSSED! I have ALWAYS wanted Lola in RED!!! <3
Hoping for the camera bag!! :D
I liked you on Facebook and shared your catalog on my wall! Thanks for a great giveaway!
All I want for Christmas is a Lola in red!!!! I've liked the page forever ago, follow you on Twitter, Posted on the catalog, and posted a comment on the blog!!!
I left a comment on the catalog too!
Keeping my fingers crossed for this one! I am a fan on facebook and follow on twitter.
I've already done all of the above and am a huge fan. Always will be.
I wasn't sure if we are supposed to enter new comments every day for each of the different prizes or if we just post comments once on the things we've done and that enters us for each day automatically. Also, i didn't know if we are supposed to post on Facebook or on THIS post or on the post for each day to enter the next day's contest. It's not very clear where to enter and I don't want to "cheat" by entering everyday if I'm only supposed to enter my comments one time.
So, just in case it's every day, I follow Caden Lane on Facebook.
I follow epiphan!e on Facebook
I'm a fan of Caden Lane on FB!
Following you on FB and also on Twitter!
Already fans of everything
Already fans of everything
I did all but Twitter! (I keep balking against twitter, but maybe if I win an Ipad I could finally signup and keep up with it ;O) I can't wait to get a lyric bag! One way or other I will own one of these bag before the end of January!!!
I am already a fan on FB!! xo
I am already a follower on twitter!! xo
I shared your catalog on FB:
Thank you so much Epiphanie! I am already a FB fan and follow you on twitter - I hope that still counts ;). Merry Christmas!!
Eva Bernini on FB
@Altrotiroaltror on Twitter.
Loving the new catalog!!!