Giveaways Every Day!

Do any (or all) of the following.
- Like us on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter
- View and leave a comment on our catalog.
- Share our catalog on your facebook wall.
Congratulations, you have four times the chance of winning, stay tuned!
PLEASE NOTE: The Epiphanie Daily Giveaway is not sponsored by, affiliated or associated with Facebook. Facebook participation is not required for entry in our contest. Entrants must be 18 or older. Winners are chosen at random will be announced here on our blog each day between 10:00am-noon CST.
Reader Comments (959)
Facebook Fan here!
I also follow you on twitter. Big fan here!! ;)
did 1 and 2, but the catalouge won't let me comment! (For the record, i loooooooove the Lola bag!)
Shared on the video on facebook. Please pick me! Dyingggggg for one :)
Share the video on my page & tagged you in it :)
Now following you on Twitter! (@carfamily08)
Commented on the catalog!
Shared the video on FB :)
love your bags! already a fan :)
Shared your catalog on my FB wall as well!
I like you on facebook
Already like you on Facebook!
I follow you on Twitter
So much fun, I've done all 4, thanks for the chance!
i like you on facebook!!
already follow you on twitter via @kdavisdesign
Already a Facebook follower and lover of the Stella Epiphanie bag! (Ok, I like all of them, I just happen to LOVE the Stella!)
I liked you on Facebook!
I follow you on twitter.
I shared your catalog on FB.
I left a comment on your catalog.
viewed and commented on your catalog!
not sure if we have to post, too but i'm already a fan on FB!
and i follow on twitter :O)
and i left a comment on the catalog. love your bags!
I shared the SA Living Video on my FB page :)
I already like Epiphanie Bags on FB.
I (already) like you on FB - that's how I heard about the contest :)
I (already) follow you on Twitter... who wouldn't follow such gorgeous bags?! :) (hmommy on twitter)
I shared the video clip on FB
I did all the other things too.
Shared the San Antonio living clip on Facebook.
Love the bags, definetely would love to own one....thanks for the chance!
Follow you on FB. Happy Holidays!
liked on facebook!
follow on twitter!
I shared the video on my FB page!
I try ! :)
shared the catalog on fb ( and i follow us on twitter
Follow you on twitter, already a fan on FB and I just shared the video and catalog!!
Wow, I love these camera bags! They are so cool!, I would love to have the Paris bag, I ! :) I like you on twitter @sandra516 and shared your catalogue on facebook
I already like you on Facebook. I would choos the lola or clover bag!
merry xmas! liked on fb and following on twitter!
I follow on twitter (@unpaint)
Love your bags! Thank you for a fabulous giveaway!!! Merry Christmas!
i was already a fan on facebook, but done all the other things too - so my fingers are crossed :))
WOULD LOVE ME SOME CLOVER - You already Facebook Fan
Your newest twitter stalker =)
Shared the awesome catalog on Facebook =)
Fan on FAcebook - Rheanna Christine!
fan on twitter - RheChristine