Giveaways Every Day!

Do any (or all) of the following.
- Like us on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter
- View and leave a comment on our catalog.
- Share our catalog on your facebook wall.
Congratulations, you have four times the chance of winning, stay tuned!
PLEASE NOTE: The Epiphanie Daily Giveaway is not sponsored by, affiliated or associated with Facebook. Facebook participation is not required for entry in our contest. Entrants must be 18 or older. Winners are chosen at random will be announced here on our blog each day between 10:00am-noon CST.
Reader Comments (959)
Totally liked you guys on Facebook!!
I commented on your catalog!!
Already an Epiphanie fan and bag owner too!
I am already a Facebook fan!
LIke you on facebook!
like EB on FB
i follow eb on twitter
follow on twitter hdepratt
i viewed and commented on your catalog!
I'm a FB fan! <3
I am a fan on facebook!
I'm following you on Twitter!
Love your catalog. Would like to add a Belle to my Ginger. :o)
I follow you on FB
Like you on fb (farrah r)
Follow on twitter (momofthreeunder)
Commented on catalogue fritter313
Posted the video on FB wall
I shared your catalog and left a comment - I love Epiphanie bags!
I shared the clip...what an exciting giveaway!!!
I follow you on Twitter BSTACEY80
I left a comment on your catalog
I shared the video clip on my facebook wall!
What a great contest! I'm a fan of yours on Facebook! :)
Such great giveaways! I've done all 4!
I like you on Facebook! ( - Cristen Farrell)
I follow you on Twitter! @CristenFarrell
I viewed and left a comment on your catalog.
I posted your catalog to my FB wall:
Posted the video on my facebook wall!!
already a FB fan! and an epiphanie fan!
I'd love to win that for my mom.
I posted the video on my facebook page.
Following you on facebook and following on twitter! Crossing fingers for iPad!
I've done everything including the bonus entry (Epiphanie Bag featured on San Antonio Living). I posted the video on my facebook wall:
I have always liked you on FB!!!! I hope I win!!!!!! XD
I liked you on facebook! Thanks!
I follow you on twitter too!
Fan on fb!! :)
Shared on my wall!
I've commented on the catalog!!!XD
All four tasks complete!!
I like you on FB!!!!
I'm already a fan on facebook!
I've already commented on the catalog!
I left a comment yesterday, but today I shared the link to your video on my facebook, so this is my bonus entry . I truly think your camera bags are thecoolest, so much so that I would almost be more excited to win an epiphany bag than an ipad!! I said "almost", but it's a close one!! :)
Oooh, I'd love to win! I am already a fan on fb.
I'm a fan on FB. Love your bags. THanks for the chance to win. CindyML
Liked it, followed it, love the Belle in Pink :)