Giveaways Every Day!

Do any (or all) of the following.
- Like us on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter
- View and leave a comment on our catalog.
- Share our catalog on your facebook wall.
Congratulations, you have four times the chance of winning, stay tuned!
PLEASE NOTE: The Epiphanie Daily Giveaway is not sponsored by, affiliated or associated with Facebook. Facebook participation is not required for entry in our contest. Entrants must be 18 or older. Winners are chosen at random will be announced here on our blog each day between 10:00am-noon CST.
Reader Comments (959)
Shared the catalog on Facebook.
Left a comment on the catalog.
I love your bags! and this giveaway is awesome! thanks and merry christmas!!
Following on Twitter and Facebook! xo
I am already a fan of Ephiphanie!!!!
I'm a fan on Facebook and follow on Twitter!!! LOVE your bags - thanks for the giveaway!!
already a fan, following you, clover is my favorite!!!!!!!!
I am already a fan on facebook! :)
Already a fan on Facebook :)
I've done them all! Epiphanie bags are so nice! I'd love to have a Red Lola!
I like you on FB!!!!
New fan on Twitter!
Following on Twitter!
I follow on facebook too! Awesome giveaway!!!
Liked you on Facebook!
I am forever viewing and drooling over your catalog and left a very pithy comment!
shared the catalog -
I am a fan on facebook!
I've already been following you on Twitter.
Great giveaway! I am following you on Twitter! (@designresource)
I like you on Facebook!
I follow you on twitter @julieafinch
I like (love) you on FB!!
done done done and done!
Posted to my Facebook wall, ur catalog!!!
Am now following u on Twitter!!
Already like you on Facebook! : )
Like you on FB
I've "liked" you for a very long time on facebook and even longer in real life!
I shared the catalog as well!! (which is GORGEOUS, I might add)
Follow on twitter
Viewd and commented on your catalog! Love the bags!!!
LOVE your online catalog. When I chose my Lola, I think I looked at it a million times. LOL
I like you on Facebook!
Love your bags!! Merry Christmas!!!
I viewed and commented on the catalog!
I posted the catalog on my fb wall again. thanks for the opportunity (ies)
I posted your link on my FB page!
Already liked, shared, and left a comment on the catalog. Love the bags! So proud of all you are doing Maile!
I shared the catalogs. It wouldn't let me comment, though. And I LOVE YOUR BAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and.....i left a comment on the catalog! I wish I was a twitterer, but three tries will have to be enough for me.
Shared the catalog!
I love your bags so much!! I'm a FB liker.
I am a FB follower!!
Would love one of your bags, it's been on my Christmas list for several years now....
Merry Christmas!!
facebook follower!
i liked you on facebook and posted your catalog on my wall as well! i hope i win!!! ariel UNDERSCORE mandy AT hotmail DOT com
The Kindle Fire is one of the items on my Christmas wish list, as well as an Epiphanie bag.
I like you on Facebook!
♥ I already "like" Epiphan!e Bags on Facebook. ♥
Already a fan on FB. Love your bags and would love to win this! Thanks!