Giveaways Every Day!

Do any (or all) of the following.
- Like us on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter
- View and leave a comment on our catalog.
- Share our catalog on your facebook wall.
Congratulations, you have four times the chance of winning, stay tuned!
PLEASE NOTE: The Epiphanie Daily Giveaway is not sponsored by, affiliated or associated with Facebook. Facebook participation is not required for entry in our contest. Entrants must be 18 or older. Winners are chosen at random will be announced here on our blog each day between 10:00am-noon CST.
Reader Comments (959)
I have liked you on FB....Love your products!!!!
Your bags are amazing!!!
What terrific prizes!! Here's to the Winners!
Would love to win. Love your bags
Love it!!! Have a wonderful Christmas. And i follow you on Facebook ;)
I am a friend on FB and LOVE your bags!! :)
i am a fan on fb!!
Thanks so much for your generosity with this amazing giveaway! I've completed all 4 entries :)
<3 <3 <3 my stella!!
i left on a comment on the catalog!!
Already "like" you on FB, but love Epiphanie bags...and this amazing giveaway. Shared the catalog on my wall too. Thank you SO much!
I like Epiphanie on fb!
I posted the link to the catalog on fb!
I am already a fan! Love you give away!
Already like you on Facebook! Thanks for the chance to win!
I did all steps! Hoping to win!
I LOVE you on Facebook! No like from me! Just lots of Love!
I follow (or stalk) you on twitter!
I viewed your aMaZiNg catalog and left a comment!
I shared your magazine with all my fb friends - even those who think they don't need a camera bag. Because I secretly know they desperately need one!
I've "liked" you on facebook.
I just received my new purse. Love it.
I'm already a fan on facebook, follow you on twitter, and posted a comment on the catalog. Hope I win something! :)
Commented on the catalog. Love my Ginger.
Tried to share catalog on Facebook. Will try again.
I love you on Facebook!
I follow you on Twitter!
Started following you on twitter! :)
Shared you catalog on my facebook wall!
Commented on your fabulous catalogue... oh so many things for my Christmas wishlist!
This is so cool!
I've done them all over the last few months... =) I can't wait until tomorrow rolls around! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I am a fan on Facebook.
I follow you on Twitter.
Merry Christmas! Hoping for a red Lola for Cmas! :)
I'm a fan on FB!
I am already a fan on FB!
I shared your catalogue on my facebook wall!
Already like on FB, already bought one bag and. would love to win.. love the bags.. stella pretty nice...
Love it! Fabulous giveaways. I have shared the love for Epiphanie all around :-)
Looooove epiphanie & kindles!
I'm a fan on facebook :-) Recently bought a stellar and LOVE it.
Also shared your catlogue on my wall :-)
I liked you on fb. I like like like you! :)
Also commented on your catalogue :-)
Ok, catty has been shared on FB. It is bound to make someone happy this season! love it!
I love the catalog--my favorite is ginger in blue!
I liked you on Facebook!
I'm following you on twitter too. :)!/briel79