Want to win an iPad?

Please click the link below to take our (very short) survey. Then let us know you did by leaving a comment on this post before 8am Friday CST, February 11th. All comments will be entered to win. And we will announce the lucky winner (chosen randomly) by noon on Friday! Good luck!
Apple® - iPad™ with Wi-Fi + 3G - 32GB CLICK HERE TO TAKE OUR SURVEY
Reader Comments (581)
Survey complete! Love your products..maybe a bag in a glamourous brocade fabric is in your future?
Finished the survey, hope I win.
I just took the survey! Hope I win the iPad!
Yo yo yo!!! I took the suvey, I REALLY want the iPad and I really, really want the CLOVER bag in turquoise!!!
I did it. I am saving up for bag number 2!! Love em'
Completed the survey! Love my bag!
i completed the survey! yay.
I did it!
i took the survey! :) thanks for the opportunity to win.
Took the survey, An iPad would be great, but a bag would be great, too ^_*
took the survey!!
I own a red Lola and love it. Just wish it was slightly larger to hold the ipad I'm going to win :D
You always have the best contests. I filled out the survey, and I hope you're able to collect some valuable data from the compilation of everyone's answers. I am also hoping for that iPad!
survey has been taken - hope its helpful!
Okay, I took the survey!!! Thank you and can't wait to see who wins...maybe it will be me!!!:)
completed the survey!
Definitely took the survey! And I think my suggestion of a new design is PERFECT!
Just took the survey - thanks for having a giveaway!
Done! Thank you!!!
I took the survey. I LOVE,LOVE, LOVE my Lola!
Fingers crossed for an iPad!
I took the survey! Hope I win!
Took the survey - thanks!!!
Did the survey!
I did the survey!!! yay!
Survey Completed ♥
I just finished the survey!
Pick me! Pick me!
I took the survey and there's a brilliant idea in mine!
I took the survey. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
oh yay! survey, check! ...now ipad come to mamma!!
Survey done.
Thanks for asking for our opinion. And I would love to see a camel-colored laptop/camera bag (esp Clover)! :)
Took the survey! Please pick me! :)
Survey Complete! I get so many compliments on my bag. It's crazy. LOVE YOU.
I took the survey! Fingers crossed!
Just took the survey!!!
officially surveyed.
Completed the survey. Thanks for opportunity! Love your bags!
I took the survey! I wonder if my new iPad will fit in my Epiphanie bag, too... :)
I took the survey!
I took it!!
Love Epiphanie, Love iPad! Survey done.
I completed the survey-thanks for asking
I took the survey!! an ipad would look perfect in one of your bags ;)
Survey done. Thanks!
I took the survey.. thanks for giving people a voice so that you can improve your product to what the users want and need...great job!!
Just took the survey!
Love love love my red Lola. She goes everywhere with me :)
I completed the survey :)
Took the survey...it was short & sweet! Crossing my fingers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I took the survey!
I took the survey. Thank you for the opportunity to win!