
Lens Candy // Sarah Cornish 

Welcome to Lens Candy! Here we'll feature a photographer, their favorite photo(s) and a brief back story behind the shoot.

Today's Lens Candy featured photographer is Sarah Cornish of My Four Hens Photography. In addition to being the amazing photographer that she is, Sarah is also quite the talented actions designer.

Here are a couple of Sarah's favorite shots:

"The first photo is from a client session. I took it with my Canon 90mm TS lens and was literally standing knee deep in the ocean trying to get the sun perfectly. This sweet little girl was so quiet and shy and reserved so I am positive she thought I was insane lol! Her mother is also a photographer and they had come to me from New York and spent five hours in the car to get to me and I can't tell you how amazing and wonderful they were to work with. As I was pressing the shutter button I was thinking I can NOT wait to get this photo home on the computer! I knew it was going to be a favorite of mine for a long time. I am a huge sun flair junky! I also used my Canon 5d Classic. (I shoot with two cameras.)"


"The second photo is from the same session. I actually took it after the session was over. We were heading back off the beach to the parking lot to find that the way we came in was completely covered in water. I had initially thought that we took too long since it was almost dark and high tide has just come in but when we got to the parking lot it was completely underwater. It was insane. I was chatting with mom about it because she isn't from the area and I had never seen anything like that before when I noticed her youngest daughter out of the corner of my eye wading over to her siblings. I adjusted my settings and snapped as quickly as possible. I love emotive photos and this one resonates with me for some reason more then anything else I have taken in a while. She just looks so thoughtful. I used a Canon 35L for this shot with my Canon 5d Mark II."


Thanks for sharing your favorite photos with Have An Epiphanie, Sarah! Your work is truly inspiring and we were so happy to have you as our first featured photographer in Lens Candy.

AND, we can't forget to mention that My Four Hens Photography is currently hosting a Grey Belle giveaway. If you haven't already entered, hurry because the contest ends tonight at 10:00pm CST!



Show Me Yours // Turquoise Belle

Alea from Alea Moore Photography is giving us a peek at her trusty Turquoise Belle today. She had this to say about her bag:

"Firstly, I must share how much I absolutely LOVE my epiphanie bag!!! I am baffled how I managed without it for so long, and now that I have it ( for little over a year now) it is just as important as any single piece of my camera equipment. Not to forget to mention, it’s SOO pretty!!!"

Thank you for the sweet compliments, Alea and thank you for supporting Epiphanie!

Now meet her Turquoise Belle + contents: 

Camera body
2 speedlites
Memory card holder/memory cards
Flash battery holder/2 sets of 4 AA batteries
Flash battery charger
Extra AA packs
Matches (cause you never know when you’ll need to light something on fire)
Tic tacs (so fresh and so clean)
Business postcards
Fav vendor business cards
Lens cleaners
Ibprophen (cause the body hurts after an 8 hour day on my feet)
Hair things
Bobby pins
Extra pair of earrings
Lip gloss
Chap stick
Instant coffee packs (a must have)
Stamps from italy
A few metro tickets from venice and paris
Notepad for notes, ideas, messages
Photo of my 3 girls
Sweet notes from my hubs reminding me how much he loves me!


And Alea's bag filled with the goods:

Thanks again for sharing, Alea!

If you want to show us yours, well go right on ahead! Send your photos + list of bag contents to Note "Show Me Yours" in the subject line. More information about this series can be found here.


Where Did You Have Your Epiphanie? // Iceland

Hot doesn't even begin to describe the heat we've had in Texas this summer. So today we thought it would be refreshing to escape to the faraway, much colder land that is Iceland.

Dyanamaria is our guide.

Last year Dyanamaria and her Red Lola were Iceland-bound to visit her family.


Dyanamaria's Iceland musts include:

1. Drive around Iceland - There's only one major road that goes all the way around the island and it happens to drive by some of the most incredible sights in the country.  If you drive around the South, you can get from Reykjavik in the West to Eskifjörður in the East in about 14 hours including stops at all these unbelievable places (that's why I'm wearing the same outfit in most of my photos with my Epiphanie bag.) Then you can drive back home along the North and see how completely different the landscape is.

2. Jökulsárlón -  An incredible glacier lagoon where you can watch icebergs break off the glacier and float out into the sea.

3. The Blue Lagoon - It's relaxing, it's warm.  There's a reason every tourist goes there... it's totally awesome.

4. Námafjall - It smells like warm, moldy, rotting eggs. It looks like Mars and it's one of the coolest places I've seen on earth.

5. Eat -  Iceland gets a bad food rap thanks to some of their more unusual food traditions, (especially their smelly fermented shark snack, hákarl, which Icelanders actually enjoy even though one open jar will stink up an entire room) but this was one trip I came back fatter than I left no matter how much hiking I did.  The Icelandic Lamb was perfection and unlike any lamb I've tried anywhere else.  On the East Coast, we jumped onto a little fishing boat to catch Icelandic Cod so we could have it battered and fried up for us at dinner. There are wild blueberries, bilberries and crow berries that you can pick on practically any hike to eat later with Icelandic Skyr and sugar.  I  ate flatbrauð with smjör in the morning, had an afternoon pönnukökur break, and an evening kleinur and coffee after dinner... sure you could try puffin or moss soup, but there's so much other good food to munch on that you may not even have time to try the crazy stuff!

(I'm sneaking in a #6.  Þingeyrarkirkja - I'm biased... it was built by my great great great grandfather... you won't find it in any English guidebooks that I know of, but if you meet an Icelander, have them look it up in one of theirs.  You'll get directions down a long ranch road and out of nowhere this black stone church pops up.  It's perfectly preserved and really incredible.



More pictures from Dyanamaria's trip to Iceland can be found on her blog. And we're not kidding. You really should see them because they are absolutely breathtaking.

Dyanamaria, you are adorable and we are so grateful for your Where Did You Have Your Epiphanie? submission. We know our readers are too!


Mixed Bag: Rachel Devine

Today in Mixed Bag we're featuring the super talented photographer Rachel Devine! Best known for her commercial photography of children, Rachel is admired globally for her incredible work (you can check out her Flickr photostream here).

Rachel was gracious enough to model our Clover bag... let's just say she rocked the shoot in NYC!

Alex Evjen of AVE Styles replicates Rachel's look with the following:

Epiphanie Bag - Turquoise Clover
Dress - Juicy Couture
Sandals - Siegerson Morrison
Earrings - Kyler
Sunglasses - Armani Exchange
Scarf Tie - Hermes
Lip Stick - Beauty Is Life

Alex's complete look inspired by Rachel Devine can be found here on Polyvore.


Alexandra Evjen is a fashion stylist and founder of AVE Styles. You will find her regularly styling photo shoots, digging through closets, reading every fashion magazine she can get her hands on, frequenting coffee shops and enjoying the company of friends and family.


Show Me Yours! // Turquoise Paris

Stephanie of S.L. Smith Photography shared these Turquoise Paris shots on her blog this week. Thanks for the sweet review Stephanie!