Alpha Mom!

What did we ever do in the doctor's office before facebook? So I'm in the waiting room, finding out that Johnny and Linda are now friends. Sarah thinks it's too cold to go running. Jenny's having drinks because it's five o'clock somewhere. Scroll scroll scroll. And, OH. Wait, what? HOLY CRAP ALPHA MOM IS TALKING ABOUT EPIPHANIE! I wish I was cool enough to pretend that I didn't want to go all Tom Cruise on that sofa.
Me, Meredith, Tracey, and Karen at the Mom 2.0 Exhibit. (photo from the article, by Tracey Clark)
Thank you Alpha Mom! :)
Reader Comments (17)
Alpha Mom called you genius! And you are. This is awesome my friend.
Alpha Mom is the bomb diggety ;-) heh... yes she is and so are you and SO are your AMAZING BAGS so umm hello ;-) of course she's talking about them ;-)
I love that pic of y'all!
Wow, the bags are incredible. Thought my black camera bag was cool, but these are amazing!
I'll go 'Tom Cruise' for you!!!
(And I don't even have Facebook
or know who Alpha Mom is.)
(But the fact that she recognizes
you're a "genius" makes me an
instant fan.)
It's a dna thing.
That's awesome!! I really do hope you were jumping around on the couches! :)
when will you start shipping to japan? pretty please with rainbows on top!
Awesome awesome awesome! You rock, Maile. Following your dream - you inspire me every day. Rock on lady!
i love my red one!!
I met Alpha Mom, and she's just AWESOME! It's no wonder she'd be talking about Epiphanie bags. Awesome knows awesome!
I LOVE <3 the Belle bag! May I know how can I place an order?
I just found this product, ordered the ginger bag and can't wait to get my "feminine" camera bag. The photo of all the bags helped me to pick the one I wanted.
I love the Lola Black bag!!!
I like the Belle and the Lola Red. SO beautiful! I am hoping to win one of them, and since I never win anything, I am going out on a limb for this precious bag! So adorable!
I'd like the Belle...... pretty please!
I never knew a camera bag could look so beautiful! i LOVE LOVE LOVE the belle camera bag! It matches the diaper bag I just got for my new baby girl due in 4 weeks! Would LOVE to win this, how perfect!
I love these bags!!! Esp the blue!
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