My Life List

We started this business last year with the tag line: "Live life the way you picture it." It can be taken literally in the sense that our camera bags allow you to "picture your life" with more ease. But more importantly, it's about the idea that your life is waiting for you to make it yours. "What do you intend to do with your one precious life"?
The first part of this post can be found here. Thanks again to Maggie, who is inspiring people all over the world to make life more fun.
I wanted some kind of physical representation of my list around because 1. I love stuff that's visual. And 2. It serves as a reminder to keep at it. The butterflies are totally not my idea, but cute right?
The wall in my office:
As I complete them, I'll put them in here. Now that I'm thinking about it, this should've maybe been a bucket.
I wanted to start off with two things that I could easily check off, which I have no inclination to ever do in my lifetime. :)
1. Don’t run a marathon.
2. Don’t go on a cruise.
3. Leave an inspire card in 100 random places.
4. Lean how to use my mac and consolidate.
5. Stay in a cabin where there are masses of fire flies.
6. Photograph another celebrity.
7. Re-do the family room.
8. Have a photo session with my sister.
9. Purchase a square dining table.
10. Do six photo sessions with my kids within 12 months.
11. Spend a vacation with my mom and sister and family.
12. Sponsor one life list thing for five people.
13. Give something away 1x a week for 6 months.
14. Photograph a family in Chinatown, SF. (sort of)
15. Throw away all my inauthentic clothes.
16. Purchase a wardrobe that I’m in love with.
17. Spend a weekend at a dude ranch.
18. Re-do the kids’ rooms.
19. Photograph grown sisters.
20. Drink a Guinness in an Irish pub.
21. See the pyramids.
22. Learn conversational Spanish.
23. Go to church four times in six weeks.
24. Let someone take a portrait of me.
25. Host an adult dinner that includes candlelight.
26. Go on an african safari.
27. Host an anniversary party near a beach.
28. Install new flooring in the house.
29. Finally find a hairstyle and color that I love.
30. Learn yoga.
31. Take the family to NYC.
32. Get together with my high school girlfriends.
33. Take a road trip.
34. Create a line of greeting cards.
35. Take my girls to the ballet.
36. Visit Spain.
37. Visit Italy.
38. Photograph ten small towns.
39. Photograph ten big cities.
40. Stay at the Borgo La Fornace.
41. Learn the tango.
42. Create ten new Epiphanie designs.
43. Draw pencil sketches of my children.
44. Go to Tokyo.
45. Eat chow fun on Maui.
46. Visit Peninsula Bay, New Zealand.
47. Take the kids to South Padre again.
48. Host a party that generates money for a charity.
49. Go to a photo workshop.
50. Purchase an original painting by Kal Barteski.
51. Take a hip hop class.
52. Re-do my bedroom.
53. Learn to play a song on the guitar.
54. Make sure my kids are bi-lingual.
55. Purchase a timeshare in Maui.
56. Purchase a lake house.
57. Swim with bioilluminescent plankton. (stolen from maggie)
58. Visit England.
59. Go dancing in Austin.
60. Create an inviting backyard.
61. Visit France.
62. Renovate the bathroom.
63. Go to Mexico again.
64. Stay at the Rockhouse in Jamaica.
65. Go on an antique-ing adventure.
66. Photograph my sister’s family.
67. Photograph another birth.
68. Visit my childhood home in Kaupakalua, Maui.
69. Ride a camel in the desert.
70. Go to Rwanda.
71. Ride in a hot air balloon.
72. Photograph a day in the life of ten moms.
73. Stay at the Amayara.
74. Hear Elizabeth Gilbert Speak.
75. Ride in a helicopter.
76. Stomp grapes.
77. Visit the Meditteranean.
78. Go to Bali.
79. Fully experience Fiesta in San Antonio.
80. Go parasailing again.
81. Re-do my portrait website.
82. Swim with dolphins
83. Ride an elephant.
84. Organize a retreat.
85. Take the kids to the Houston Space Center
86. Go on 5 dates to new places in downtown San Antonio.
87. Stop eating white flour and sugar for 30 days
88. Make a slideshow of my family photos for 2010.
89. Visit all 50 states.
90. See the aurora borealis.
91. Take an art class.
92. Shoot a gun.
93. Experience a white Christmas.
94. Create a unique tradition for every holiday.
95. Do a family session for Genevieve Gorder. (is that stalker-y? Love her.)
96. Go to a Spurs game.
97. Visit wreckage of the Titanic aboard a submarine.
98. Learn to play the harmonica.
99. Go to the Kentucky derby.
100. See U2.
101. Have our family photographed by Tara Whitney.
Reader Comments (76)
I LOVE your list! This is such a great idea! I am definitely doing one now! :)
Is it bizarre to say that I think that we might be twins separated at birth??? My friend (Lori M - you are shooting her family portraits this fall!) first t old me about you and how much you reminded her of me - then I visited your blog and think we'd be besties if we met- haha! I love your list :)
jen :)
How do I make those butterflies?
This is a wonderful (and inspiring) life list. I thought I was the only person in the world who had a "square dining table" obn theirs!
This is a beautiful List! i especially love the first two items perfect! Those butterflies are adorable.
I am going to do your #34 as well it is my #16
Hope you will come take a look at my list
Thanks everyone! Kiki, the butterflies were traced and cut out by hand. Half way through I realized I was insane and that there's probably a much better solution online. At the time I just wanted them done now now now. Laura, lucky duck. Square tables are the best, no one gets left out at the end and they're cuter than round!
love your list - i love that i could cross some of those off.
hope your butterflies find beautiful places to land
Wonderful list. I think I will post mine on my blog soon. I have it on paper, but it would be fun to make it public. I love the butterflies!
I share your disinterest in running a marathon or going on a cruise. Maybe I'll think of a couple of backwards items for my list too!
If you go to the Kentucky Derby, I will meet you there. Also a friend of mine owns a beach house in Outerbanks NC if you're interested for future family / friends getaways since it has 7 bdrms.
I am totally with you on NOT running a marathon, but I would like to go on a cruise...maybe a nice big sailboat one. Of course, here I am starting my list on your blog...
fabulous list! i hope your life wishes come true.
if you ever make it to 58, you could do 19 while you're here with my sister and me. pretty please x.
OH MAN! I'm on your list!!
(I also have a birth coming up and it would be so cool if you could photograph it!)
Just saying.
I love the butterflies. Truly! Awesome list and I hope you don't mind if I just follow along a little!
I can help w/ #19! I'm one of 8, grown sisters. Think how much fun WE would be to photograph!
I wish I could be as creative, but since I don't have a creative bone in my body
I"m going to use this idea too. I tend to keep notes to myself with my lifeplan in the "Awesome Notes" app on my iPhone, but this would definitely spruce up the wall in my bedroom and help me to remind me of my goals as well. I also like the idea that you added yourself, with the jar!
I'm so glad I found this site, I'm ready to purchase one of these bags. I eventually want to get them in all colors. Hopefully, there will be a backpack version.
There are TONS of dude ranches out there to choose from, but this one is truly amazing :
Amazing people, amazing riding and one of the most beautiful places on earth. I worked here during summers for nearly a decade and they were some of the most incredible summers of my life. I recommend late June to mid July: the chance for snow diminishes greatly, the wildflowers are still blooming and the river is perfect for floating...
I love your list and I am so inspired to make my own.
I love your list.
I am also volunteering my sister and I to be the grown sisters you photograph. :-)
I love this idea!!!! You're so creative. I never would have thought to do something like this.
Love this idea!!!! This is so inspirational!!!!Can't wait to get started on my life list. I have a 40 things to do before I am 41 list too!
Thank you for inspiring me this morning. I came to your blog and site via iheartfaces because I loved your camera bags and wanted to enter to win, but honestly got so much more. You list and mine overlap one anothers so much - and though I have a list I've never thought about making it art like this. Going to the craft store to buy a butterfly punch this afternoon! Have a terrific day. xxxx
What an inspirational post! Thanks for sharing! I think I might have to make one of these lists!
If you have never been to Idaho (it's nice, really, I promise) you can come listen to Elizebeth Gilbert speak in March and count it towards #89!
Fantastic list! It's not Italy or Paris--but I own a Garagiste Winery in Washington. I can so help with #76.
I love your butterfly list, and am soooo with you on wanting to experience a white Christmas! That has been "on my list" for so long.
Oooh - and I am most excited at receiving your shop email saying that my very own Epiphane bag is on its way downunder to me in NZ!! ( a birthday present to myself)
LOVE the butterflies, what a beautiful way to showcase your list. Can you work on #42 soon!? LOVE LOVE LOVE your bags!
Fabulous list and I admire the creative way you chose to display it. We have some overlapping items! Good luck with everything; so happy I found your blog and will be able to read about your progress.
Ok, so I'm going to be ridiculously forward. (For me, anyway. Sorta.) Do you live in Texas? Because if so, I'd love to have you photograph me and my sister for her 35th birthday. It would be perfect. And in return, I'll take you dancing in Austin. TWO list items for the price of one! Whadaya think?
Oooooh, Maile, your list has my thoughts all abuzz!!!
Hey--have y'all ever gone to North Padre? It's only about 2 1/2 hours from SAT. Probably not as much to do as in South Padre, but not as crowded or as far either. We try to head down at least once a year--inexpensive enough to be our second summer vacay..
I want to do a list like this. I think it's time to do it. Right?
LOVE the list and your butterflies! I'm working on my list now!
Can you explain the inspire cards? The link did not work...thanks!
I've posted my own list at my blog - it took me half the day to think of everything and now I'm afraid I'm filled with despair at some of the unattainable things I'd like to do. On your list, I can say I've done:
33. Take a road trip Just to Cleaveland and Chicago, but it was fun, none the less!
36. Visit Spain For my 30th birthday - Madrid and Barcelona - both absolutely wonderful! Go!
37. Visit Italy My reason for getting over a life-long fear of flying was visiting Venice. I would never have left that city if it were at all possible for me to stay.
61. Visit France - My first flight ever (on the trip to Italy). Beautiful country.
100. See U2 Five times, soon to be six! All amazing experiences - the energy when they play a live show is incomparable!
What an amazing list, very inspirational. You have some huge goals! Thanks for the inspiration.
I just found you today--what beautiful bags you make! I love this idea! As soon as I have a place of my own, I am definitely stealing this from you! And can I tell you that New Zealand is the prettiest place on earth? I think you definitely need to put "Skydive whilst in New Zealand" on that list--it wil be the most breathtaking view you will ever see in your life! You are fabulous!
It won't let me put my website up (because I"m lame and only have a little blog :D) but as soon as I do my first paid wedding, I am buying Belle as a gppd kpb [resent to myself!
I LOVE the first two on your list ... I'm adding them to my list ... just as soon as I write it!
Cool idea. Cooler list. I need to do this . . . thanks for the inspiration. And I'm just about done creating a studio/office for myself and what a great idea to put my list up on the wall somehow. Off to cogitate . . .
I love this!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! How fun. Do you mind if I steal it for my goals?
I don't know if you already answered this, but where did you get that jar? I never see jars like that.
You have completely inspired me to do this list.... but I think I will be using colored paper with stars on them and attaching them to my ceiling. Hooray for stumbling upon cheap decor ideas and a wealth of inspiration.
XD also only being 16 I have a ton of time to accomplish my tasks
I absolutely love this post. I Stumbled it just as I was thinking about my own "bucket list" and how I wished I had a way to keep it where I would always be reminded of my goals instead of just having them written down on a piece of paper that's constantly getting lost in the black hole that is my desk, like it is now. I'm curious about how you actually got your butterflies to fly though. Because I'm in college and not living at home I'm a little paranoid of what I put on my walls, not wanting to damage them and such.
Thank you for the jump start. Happy New year to us all.
its a really sweet idea. one suggestion though: instead of throwing away your clothes, please donate them to charity or a thrift store.
OMG! its such a great DIY little project! I hope you dont mind but IM gonna blog about you!
Fantastic idea!
regarding Italy, look at I am sure you'll like it!!
You HAVE inspired me to add my list to my own blog. I've had the list for years. Now, after seeing yours, I feel I should add mine to my blog as well. Maybe as a reminder to myself to LIVE LIFE THE WAY I PICTURE IT!! xx Thank you so much!!
wonderful list))))))))))))))))))))))))thanks!
Oh. my. god. I'm totally doing this... I'm not sure I can wait until morning, either. :^D
Kismet - just turn on my PC hit the stumble button and came up on this site, I was working on my list told my friend about it and we decided that we'd exchange lists so that we could track each others progress. Currently have my list in my life journal but plan on creating a poster to place on my wall so that i can check it daily. love the butterfly idea as well
Cruising for me is a must, I've already taken one and plan on doing more, I want to run at least one marathon for a cause and I already have my square table.(^_^)
Best wishes to everyone who's working on theirs.