$1000 Give-away!

Post our latest catalog on your facebook wall.
Leave a comment on this blog post with your email and a link to your Facebook post.
Everyone who enters and comments here will be entered to win a $1000 Visa gift card. One lucky winner will be chosen (via random generator) and announced by noon on November 25th (just in time for Black Friday shopping)!
Don't have a facebook page? You can participate on twitter. Just tweet about us with a link to our catalog: (http://issuu.com/epiphanie/docs/epiphanie_catalog_fall_2011) and comment below with the link.
Want to double your chances? Post on both facebook and twitter, and let us know in the comments.
Is this contest open to non US residents? The prize is $1000 USD, but it IS open to anyone outside the US!
Happy holidays and good luck everyone!
Reader Comments (1259)
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/kristincooley/status/135528504631635968
going for a double entry. here's my twitter info. https://twitter.com/#!/kimee42
Here is a like to my post:
I also TWEETED about your catalog @kateinparadise
http://twitter.com/#!/kateinparadise Thanks sooo much!!!! :D
Shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angie.lynch/timeline/story?ut=3&wstart=1320130800&wend=1322726399&hash=-3078163080404624969
Shared on Twitter: http://twitter.com/alotofnothing/statuses/135529478016352256
Tweeted it too!
Thanks for this!! I posted on FB!
Here is my facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/klfelix
I would love to win and purchase one of your bags!
I tweeted too. tweetykl
Posted! I love my Epiphanie bag!!!!
This would be so great to win - thanks for the chance! I posted to FB ---http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=589873533
Absolutely amazing giveaway. I have shared your catalogue on FB https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000498150897&ref=tn_tinyman
omg! http://www.facebook.com/jenkinkn
Love your bags! My fb link ...http://www.facebook.com/juliane.f.musser
I tweeted too! http://twitter.com/#!/jenkinkn/status/135532268344197121
I also shared on twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/susy67/status/135532621135482880
Wonderful products. That I would like to own. Shared on Facebook. Would love to win!
Linked to my facebook wall--keeping my fingers crossed :0)
ooooh... money, for a new camera, to go in my bag, yippee! I posted the catalog (and a gushing review of my bag) on Facebook and also on Twitter!
I posted the catalog on my FB page......here is the link https://www.facebook.com/txcreagerfan
I posted on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/hmayo/posts/283311091708740
I posted on Twitter here: http://twitter.com/#!/hmayophoto/status/135535842407100416
Posted on Twitter!! http://twitter.com/#!/NatHennessey
Love your bags! Thank you.
♥ Posted on my studio page!! http://www.facebook.com/Studio3Cubed
Such cute bags!
I am posting your catalogue link on my twitter accout @Kgiannigraham. Sure am hoping I get one of your beautiful camera bags for Christmas! Hint HInt family members :) http://issuu.com/epiphanie/docs/epiphanie_catalog_fall_2011
Great giveaway!
♥ Posted on twitter!! https://twitter.com/#!/studio3cubed
posted on my FB page!
Posted on my facebook wall! Love, love, love your bags! Own the Lola is black, would love the Lyric in Plum!
I tweeted about it as well :)
Also posted on my twitter
i tweeted it too! thanks so much for this giveaway!! i love my black ginger bag!!
Posted to my FB. : )
Yay for holiday contests! Tweeted you :) https://twitter.com/kateleighphoto
Tweeted as well:
have the paris in turquoise--want the Ginger
Posted to www.facebook.com/KristinaBPhoto with a tag to Epiphanie. I can't seem to link directly to the post
I posted, and love these purses!
Don't have facebook but just posted it to Twitter... www.twitter.com/CamilleAnn1
This would be AMAZING!
I posted on my facebook.
What an amazing opportunity! Thank you!
I kind of absolutely love Belle in pink. It's on my Santa list. My facebook link is http://www.facebook.com/christinamiraglia.
I also posted the catalog to twitter for my 2nd entry: http://twitter.com/#!/kitschtina/status/135544731332657152
Fabulous! Already did it last week! Very exciting!
I gladly posted the link to your new catalog on my facebook page! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE YOUR BAGS!!!!
I just tweeted about your catalog - @designresource