$1000 Give-away!

Post our latest catalog on your facebook wall.
Leave a comment on this blog post with your email and a link to your Facebook post.
Everyone who enters and comments here will be entered to win a $1000 Visa gift card. One lucky winner will be chosen (via random generator) and announced by noon on November 25th (just in time for Black Friday shopping)!
Don't have a facebook page? You can participate on twitter. Just tweet about us with a link to our catalog: (http://issuu.com/epiphanie/docs/epiphanie_catalog_fall_2011) and comment below with the link.
Want to double your chances? Post on both facebook and twitter, and let us know in the comments.
Is this contest open to non US residents? The prize is $1000 USD, but it IS open to anyone outside the US!
Happy holidays and good luck everyone!
Reader Comments (1259)
$1000???? That's five or six Epiphanies, right? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!
It's me again!
You bet I'll share the catalog! It's online at http://www.facebook.com/maggieann415. Thank you for this great opportunity.
Posted on fb
The catalog looks amazing! XO
Posted on my facebook page!
Hoping to win so I can get one of your fabulous bags!!
I also shared your new catalog on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/melship
I posted this to my facebook wall... https://www.facebook.com/peterson.carri . What an amazing giveaway!
Thanks for the contest!
Tweeted! @affinity4photos Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Posted it to my facebook! These bags are adorable!
I would be so happy to win this! Thank you!
I just got my first bag - the Lyric, and I am hooked! I shared the catalog at http://www.facebook.com/kpangalangan
Fingers crossed! Thanks!!
shared!! what an awesome giveaway!!
Posted on FB!!! :) Thanks for the oppurtunity! This would totally help this Christmas.
Love the catalog! I shared the link on my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1226164455 and via Twitter: @TaraHMix
Posted on FB thanks so much for this chance!
Dream bag!
Tweeted! Thanks again!
shared on https://www.facebook.com/stormwys :)
I shared the catalog on facebook
Thanks for the opportunity!
So cool!!!!! http://www.facebook.com/PurePhotoshopActionshttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=hp#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=273371112704925&id=100000722125696
Posted on FB (I'm sure if I'm linking to it properly, but here goes): http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000867962557. I would definitely use some of the $$ to finally buy a red lola!!
Also on twitter... https://twitter.com/#!/sparkydd
Posted! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=541015349
On twitter too! http://twitter.com/#!/briel79/status/135569621410516992
Like posted on Facebook page!
I shared on FB http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1435568317 (not sure if I did it right!)
http://www.facebook.com/sjphoto and https://twitter.com/#!/SherriJohnson
I love the Ginger bag! sherri@sherrijphotography.com =)
I shared the catalog on my twitter @thatdametoi and my facebook https://www.facebook.com/misslatoia
Posted!!!! Both on FB AND Twitter :).
https://www.facebook.com/CaliTravelGirl Great contest! :)
Just posted on twitter
Posted on both facebook and twitter! mmlaughlin@hotmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mkampen
Twitter: @PhotobyMegan (DigitalTreasures)
Well, you did it again. Just when I think you all at Epiphanie just can't get any more amazing, there you go surprising me again! :-) What an amazing giveaway! The first thing I'd get is that Clover I've been dreaming about ... and then a digital SLR to go in it! :-) I've been tweeting about the fall catalog and the giveaway here on Twitter:
And on my Facebook page, too:
I look forward to hearing the news on the 25th! Thank you!!!
Shared catalog on my Facebook
Posted the beautiful Fall catalog on my photography FB page proudly. Love Epiphanie!! https://www.facebook.com/pages/KISS-Photography-by-MJ/117016438351509?ref=tn_tinyman#!/pages/KISS-Photography-by-MJ/117016438351509
Shared this Fall catalog via FB and Twitter for my love for Epiphanie~XO http://twitter.com/#!/MJMorten
fingers crossed the link works!!
If I win, first thing is to get a Lola bag!!
What a wonderful contest! I have posted on Facebook and Twitter.
Posted on my fb wall & tweeted! :) https://www.facebook.com/mandy.mortimer & @mandymortimer
This would be amazing!
Posted to my fb wall. Love these bags!
Posted the catalog!! :)
posted on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KimHMaxwell/posts/312152978810745
Well I tweeted too but don't know how to link to that post only https://twitter.com/#!/KHMaxwell
Posted! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=690446375&ref=tn_tinyman
email inquicksand (at) gmail (dot) com
Thank you!! Sure do like your product!!
Fantastic! I just received my Lola bag last week and I already love it!
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1624230822
What a great opportunity! I've always wanted one but alas it's so far been wishful thinking but with this contest there is a possibility...thanks :D
Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1170612766
Twitter post: https://twitter.com/poopstarific/status/135567027233501185