What do YOU love?

Thank you to all who entered our 'What do YOU love?' Epiphanie bag giveaway!
Kristin posted:
I'm madly in love with San Francisco. Mainly because of days like this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24076245@N07/6687446481
There's always something beautiful and exciting to discover! I've been trying to get my husband to want to move there when we graduate.
Hoping for a loved one to gift you an Epiphanie this Valentine's Day? Share our catalog on your Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest pages and mention the style/color that you can't live without.
In case that special someone doesn't get the hint, you'll be happy to know there's still hope for an Epiphanie!
Why? Because we're giving away an Epiphanie bag!
Since February is the month dedicated to all things amore (say that again with an Italian accent... way more fun), we want to know -
You already know what we love here at Epiphanie - travel, adventure and ultimately living life the way you picture it. So what is one thing that takes your breath away, ignites crazy passion or enlightens your soul? Tell us by commenting below and providing a link to a photo which demonstrates this love. And just like that, you're entered to win an in-stock Epiphanie bag of your choice!
Do one or more of the following for bonus entries:
1) Post the picture of what you love to one of your Pinterest boards. Include the following caption for your picture -
This is what I love. #epiphanielovegiveaway http://bit.ly/yJdtZT
Then comment below with the link to your picture on Pinterest.
2) Tweet -
I entered the @EpiphanieBags #epiphanielovegiveaway - What do YOU love? http://bit.ly/yJdtZT
Then comment below that you tweeted this message and include your Twitter handle.
3) Post (and link to us) on your Facebook wall -
I entered the @Epiphanie #epiphanielovegiveaway - What do YOU love? http://bit.ly/yJdtZT
Then comment below that you posted on Facebook.
That's a total of 4 possible entries! Contest closes on Monday, February 13 at 11:59pm CST. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on Tuesday, February 14, 2012. Good luck!
Be sure to check out our "What do YOU love?" board on Pinterest! Here we'll be adding some of the photos that you've linked to below.
Follow HAVE AN EPIPHANIE! with Bloglovin

Reader Comments (516)
I love these two guys right here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1350143635726&set=a.1392280249115.2053312.1295406193&type=3&theater
Thanks for the giveaway! Here's what I love: http://pinterest.com/pin/150378075027520982/
I love everything about your bags! I love the look of a purse and function of camera bag. Colour is lovely. Simplicity and timeless style all in one. & Style is big for me. I have been wanting one of these lovely bags for some time. Fingers crossed!
This is a picture of my oldest munchkin, his imagination is what dreams are made of! Most kids look to a hero from a movie or cartoon and it usually is one that wears a cape or a tiara. My son's favorite character ever is Mr. Fredrickson from the movie Up. He is looking forward to growing up to become a grandpa and go on adventures! Never have I met a kindergartner so looking forward to retirement! I can't look at this image and not smirk. I love love love that my son isn't afraid to go against the grain and just melt into imaginary play! http://www.flickr.com/photos/loninewby/6769557273/
My wee one is the love my life (besides my husband). She is what I live for and makes my heart sing.
I love surfing...feeling the power of the ocean, the freedom of flying over a wave, and feeling the spray of salt water on your skin. It's freeing to the soul and mind and it's something I feel so passionate about! :) http://www.explorergirls.com/files/storyi/girl%20surfing_0.jpg
I tweeted! @chocandcarrots :-)
and traveling everywhere!
I love my husband and everything else connected to fairy tale romance: http://pinterest.com/pin/185210603395436683/.
Shared on Pinterest (aroomofmyown):http://pinterest.com/pin/55521007875812053/
Tweeted:https://twitter.com/#!/roomofmyown/status/167005095890927616 (roomofmyown)
Shared on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=338413572865856&id=100000485587437 (Amber H)
I love watching my kids try new things, take risks and stretch their comfort zones! Here's a pic of my daughter doing just that: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/--juiit4eI58/TvKIDd29dtI/AAAAAAAAAtQ/l4tzxVau-ng/s720/IMG_3055.JPG
tweeted! @catylouquilts
I'm sure this sounds corny but I love my husband. He is encouraging and wonderful and I swear sometimes he believes in me more than I even believe in myself. He encourages and loves my creativity and he is always a reluctant model when I'm testing something out. I couldn't think of anything better to list of what I love. http://www.flickr.com/photos/theartofaccessories/6463362585/in/set-72157628298786253
added to pinterest! http://pinterest.com/pin/158751955584651167/
I posted about my entry on facebook!
Posted my photo to pinterest!
Pinned it: http://pinterest.com/pin/100064422940496700/
Cheesy as it sounds, my husband is still the one that takes my breath away. Can't think of a better month to share that love than February -- the month we started dating, Valentine's Day and his birthday! http://linajang.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/09/20/ddw080.jpg
I tweeted from @lensdaisy about your fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win a bag.
Tweeted from @dtsp808
I love Scout.
The thing that enlightens my soul is living life again through my children....yes, my kids. I love catching the random moments of them just enjoying life and being kids! This shot is one from our summer vacation at Sleeping Bear Duunes in Michigan this summer- no dunes in the shot, just lots if Blue Moon icecream- it was 9 degrees this day!
I pinned a love:
Epiphanie bags are the best for a soft, and squishy, and bright way to protect camera gear for those times when a camera backpack just won't do!
Here is a link to one of my pinterest posts about what I love:
I tweeted at @lrlim:
I posted on FB:
Posted what I love on Pinterest...
What a great giveaway here is a link to my pin - http://pinterest.com/pin/844493649968215/ it would be the best Valentines present ever!!!
This is what I love:
I love to take photos that I take and use them as a reference for watercolor portraits. These are my grandkids.
I have also posted on facebook :)
I just turned 40 in January, and I have a five month old little boy. I waited a long long time for him, and he was (is!) every bit worth the wait. I absolutely adore him. http://pinterest.com/pin/101401429079854121/
I am totally crazy in love with my hubby!! http://www.mousescrappers.com/photos/showphoto.php?photo=20036&title=k-i-s-s-i-n-g&cat=all
And being at Magic Kingdom with him is the best feeling ever!!
I love to surf! I started surfing a year and a half ago and once I caught my first wave and rode it in, I knew my life had changed and I this was going to be something I had to keep on doing. surfing teaches you patience, how to work with mother nature and how much she can give and take away at the same time.
Tweeted! @ErsulaDee
Pinned it! http://pinterest.com/pin/143763413074836055/
I love this photo I took today because this is where I want to go with my photography...I love nature and flowers and I find love by looking at it and this flower especially.
Tweeted on @jadeheart - https://twitter.com/#!/jadeheart/status/167016121713688576
Shared/posted to Facebook too :)
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/pin/107875353544221848/
Twitter: @JennySims25 - Tweeted!
Facebook: Posted!
I am in love with photography. I can't get it out of my head! http://pinterest.com/pin/37717715599014686/
I tweeted about your giveaway!!@candykempsey !!
I love my super goofy kids!!
I posted on my fb anout your awesome giveaway!!
pinned what I love on pinterest