What do YOU love?

Thank you to all who entered our 'What do YOU love?' Epiphanie bag giveaway!
Kristin posted:
I'm madly in love with San Francisco. Mainly because of days like this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24076245@N07/6687446481
There's always something beautiful and exciting to discover! I've been trying to get my husband to want to move there when we graduate.
Hoping for a loved one to gift you an Epiphanie this Valentine's Day? Share our catalog on your Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest pages and mention the style/color that you can't live without.
In case that special someone doesn't get the hint, you'll be happy to know there's still hope for an Epiphanie!
Why? Because we're giving away an Epiphanie bag!
Since February is the month dedicated to all things amore (say that again with an Italian accent... way more fun), we want to know -
You already know what we love here at Epiphanie - travel, adventure and ultimately living life the way you picture it. So what is one thing that takes your breath away, ignites crazy passion or enlightens your soul? Tell us by commenting below and providing a link to a photo which demonstrates this love. And just like that, you're entered to win an in-stock Epiphanie bag of your choice!
Do one or more of the following for bonus entries:
1) Post the picture of what you love to one of your Pinterest boards. Include the following caption for your picture -
This is what I love. #epiphanielovegiveaway http://bit.ly/yJdtZT
Then comment below with the link to your picture on Pinterest.
2) Tweet -
I entered the @EpiphanieBags #epiphanielovegiveaway - What do YOU love? http://bit.ly/yJdtZT
Then comment below that you tweeted this message and include your Twitter handle.
3) Post (and link to us) on your Facebook wall -
I entered the @Epiphanie #epiphanielovegiveaway - What do YOU love? http://bit.ly/yJdtZT
Then comment below that you posted on Facebook.
That's a total of 4 possible entries! Contest closes on Monday, February 13 at 11:59pm CST. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on Tuesday, February 14, 2012. Good luck!
Be sure to check out our "What do YOU love?" board on Pinterest! Here we'll be adding some of the photos that you've linked to below.
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Reader Comments (516)
Posted to Pinterest. http://pinterest.com/pin/37154765645633265/
Something that ignites my soul and makes me feel alive is standing in the middle of a grove of tall redwood trees. The way they smell, the soft fallen leaves underneath, and maybe a banana slug to be found. It fills my lungs and makes me feel clean from the inside out.
Thank you for the giveaway! This is what I love - http://pinterest.com/pin/93590498476091917/
I love my son and his love for books : http://instagr.am/p/lt110/
I tweeted : http://twitter.com/NorthWestMommy/status/167540120046669824
this is what i love. http://pinterest.com/pin/227994799855486370/
This picture takes my breath away every time I look at it - - it captures how much we love each other so well without words. http://www.flickr.com/photos/llmoon/6799055547/in/photostream
I love camping in Michigan. Every summer we try to get away to regroup with nature and relax. Here is a photo of a Lake Michigan sunset at Ludington from last summer. http://www.flickr.com/photos/sunflare/6079658268/in/set-72157627391106641
Pinned it! http://pinterest.com/pin/211880357438749940/
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/BethanyGiannini/status/167620604328017920
I posted on Facebook.
I love this bag in just about any color, but the gray is perfection!
I love spending time with my girls (only one pictured) enjoying the simple things in life.
Pinned to pinterest!
Posted on my Facebook!
I love my family most of all but after that I'd say that I love living a creative life and inspiration boards full of goodness
Thanks for the chance to enter your contest - I'm so in love with your bags!!
I pinned one of my favourites : )
I tweeted about the contest : )
And... I posted on Facebook : )
Thanks again!!
Love LeCreuset !!! http://pinterest.com/pin/82120393175212512/
i tweeted @ilonat
i posted on facebook!
Falling in love with your bags..cant wait for the UPS man to deliver my FIRST! Would love to win another one!!!
I posted on fb and linked to you!
I love capturing the beauty of God's glorious creation, anywhere and everywhere... http://pinterest.com/pin/98727416801151184/
I posted on Facebook, too :)
I love taking beautiful pictures of food, especially pastries and baked goods. Here is what I pinned: http://pinterest.com/pin/58546863875683923/
I love LIGHT. To wit:
Here is the picture of what I love: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7033/6740110995_40afbfca1d.jpg
cookies with hearts cut out! I love food photography! :)
I posted on facebook!!
Pinned on Pinterest http://pinterest.com/pin/154600199678182573/
I love being girly and goofy with friends! Plus my awesome friend 'K' (pictured with me) who showed me the power of making pictures look cooler with filters! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150711259919256&set=a.10150711257164256.493037.505754255&type=3&theater
I tweeted about you, my handle is @visioluxus! Love love love your bags.
You have also been facebooked!
I love my husband! He inspires me so very much! http://pinterest.com/#pin/273804852315150898/
Fantastic giveaway!! Shared on Facebook:) http://www.facebook.com/#!/emmawilsherphotography
I tweeted! @stephhicksphoto
Posted on facebook as well!!
I tweeted about your awesome giveaway & keeping my fingers crossed:) Twitter handle is: https://twitter.com/#!/EWPhotographyuk
I love creating my own fairytales!
Tweeted this! https://twitter.com/#!/ I SO would LOVE to have Ginger in brown or Lola in black!
Hey Epiphanie! I love this: https://pinterest.com/pin/34691859599442168/ :)
here's what I love the most. http://liveinthebadlands.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/foto-story-friday-197-favorite-place/
I love music. listening to it, composing it, performing it. On pinterest, I have this on my Words board and I'm linking to it for an entry in the giveaway: http://pinterest.com/pin/93731235964133039/
I love my 4 kids! They make me laugh (and cry - ha!) and life is never dull here. I wouldn't have it any other way :)
The Northern Lights are absolutely gorgeous!! I would love to travel up north and see them someday. http://goodnature.nathab.com/northern-lights-natures-winter-magic/
i posted about the giveaway on facebook:
Shared on FB!!!
Facebooked it too :) http://www.facebook.com/lulubird