Where Did You Have Your Epiphanie? // Jamaica + Grand Cayman
Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 11:29AM
Today in Where Did You Have Your Epiphanie?, we're cruising back over to Jamaica and Grand Cayman! Our friend Amy Locurto of Living Locurto and I Heart Faces took a family vacation there last August with Turquoise Belle by her side.
1) Visiting the gorgeous Half Moon Bay Resort in Jamaica was my favorite shore excursion of the trip. That place is absolute paradise! Swimming with the dolphins was the ultimate highlight. You wade out into the water and they swim right up to you! Of course I opted out to take photos. Capturing my families faces was worth sitting out on the shore:-)
2) Family time was another one of my favorite things. When you leave port, there is no phone access unless you want to pay international roaming fees and the internet is so slow that it's not worth your time. This means no distractions and time to relax and spend time with your family. I so enjoyed hanging out on our balcony and watching my daughter look for mermaids. Plus, it was a great way to get her to stand still for photos. ha!
3) Sunsets on the ship were absolutely amazing! Definitely a favorite thing.
4) If you're ever in Grand Cayman with kids, I highly suggest taking them on the local Jolly Roger Pirate Ship. It's such a blast! I have some fun video of it here and it will make you want to go for sure. You can take this tour with a cruise or on your own.
5) I couldn't have a favorite thing without including some type of chocolate. Let me just say, the Carnival Chocolate Melting Cake is to die for. Really.
Thanks for sharing, Amy. Looks like you guys had a blast!
Oh, and one last thing for novice cruisers embarking on an excursion in the near future... check out Amy's 15 Tips for First Time Cruisers. Super helpful information you will definitely appreciate!
Attention all those who own Epiphanie bags! We know you've been to some fabulous places. Or live in some incredible, travel-worthy cities for that matter. We want to hear from you! Send a few shots and your list of 5 favorite things to do in that location to media@epiphaniebags.com. Include a short bio about yourself and note "Where Did You Have Your Epiphanie?" in the subject line. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing, Amy. Looks like you guys had a blast!
Oh, and one last thing for novice cruisers embarking on an excursion in the near future... check out Amy's 15 Tips for First Time Cruisers. Super helpful information you will definitely appreciate!
Attention all those who own Epiphanie bags! We know you've been to some fabulous places. Or live in some incredible, travel-worthy cities for that matter. We want to hear from you! Send a few shots and your list of 5 favorite things to do in that location to media@epiphaniebags.com. Include a short bio about yourself and note "Where Did You Have Your Epiphanie?" in the subject line. Thanks!