Where Did You Have Your Epiphanie? // Rocky Mountains

Our travel series brings us back the States today as Leslie shares her Rocky Mountain adventure.
And an adventure it was. You see, Leslie's dear husband gave her a "photo safari" in the Rocky Mountains for her mother's day gift. You know, just a sweet and innocent short hike to photograph the sunrise and a waterfall.
Leslie is pictured below with her future brother-in-law, Nick.
Well this harmless little excursion turned into an unplanned, six mile hike up and down a mountain. And there was some snow. And she wasn't wearing proper hiking shoes! Leslie says, "Two miles of the hike was in the snow, deep snow! The trail itself was packed pretty solid, but very slippery. If you stepped off the trail, you risked sinking in the snow above your knees."
Can you imagine?
Luckily, her travel guide, Jared was kind enough to carry her Clover when the hike became the obstacle course of Leslie's life.
Jared, we don't even know you, but you are indeed a true gentleman!
Despite the elements, Leslie still came away with these five favorites for the Rocky Mountains/Estes Park, Colorado:
Wow, thanks for sharing Leslie! Such a great adventure!
Attention all those who own Epiphanie bags! We know you've been to some fabulous places. Or live in some incredible, travel-worthy cities for that matter. We want to hear from you! Send a few shots and your list of 5 favorite things to do in that location to media@epiphaniebags.com. Include a short bio about yourself and note "Where Did You Have Your Epiphanie?" in the subject line. Thanks!