Adobe Photoshop CS5 Give-away!

Adobe gave us a copy of Photoshop CS5 Extended for MAC. We thought it would be fun to give it away. Do you have a MAC? Do you need this? Tell us why in the comments before midnight Thursday, the 31st. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on April Fools Day. But we swear, this is not a joke. Good luck! :)
Reader Comments (318)
I have a MAC! I also have and use Aperture 3 for my photo editing. However, I sit and look and look and long at all the beautiful textures and actions that can be created with Photoshop. Every Valentines day, every birthday, every anniversary I try to "hint" around to my dear hubby how much Photoshop could enhance my photos and make my life golden. Every time my "hint" seems to fall on deaf ears (or maybe just a tight wallet). :( My Birthday is April 21st. Perhaps this "hint" will be heard :)!
Aww, wouldn't it be nice to win. My MAC hard drive recently crashed. PS is not not working and I have no idea where my original disk is. So sad. I miss you PS! Please come back to me.
I need to get a new computer and would love to get a Mac instead but then I would need to rebuy software. This would let me get that Mac after all!
I'm thinking I would forever be in the good graces of a Mac-loving photog friend if I could give him this - permanent photographer at my beck & call? Yes, please!
I just got a new macbook pro for Christmas and so far I have loved it!! I have always been anti mac and loved my pc, but i have now been converted. I would love the new Adobe Photoshop 5 so I can FINALLY get rid of my PC. :)
Bride CS5 has the ability to upload photos directly to flickr and facebook. This would make my photo editing process so much quicker then trying to work with CS3 and allow me to spend more time taking and editing rather than trying to upload. Not to mention that the content aware tool in photoshop CS5 seriously rocks my socks!
This giveaway is perfect timing! My PC died and I just ordered a Mac. This would be a considerable upgrade since I was using PSE7 before. Thanks!
The newest version of CS would be awesome!!
Oh, I would love this! My hub's lost his job a week before Christmas so I haven't been able to buy it like I had planned. Great giveaway, thanks for the opportunity :)
I would love love love this I am working in Elements now and just recently go a new MacBook Pro :) so I had to choose new Mac or Photoshop the Mac won! This would be an awesome addition!!!!!
I am currently working on CS3, and would absolutely LOVE to upgrade to CS5! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Need this b/c I'm ready to try TEXTURES! :)
I have a MAC and would love to have this Adobe Photoshop CS5 software!!! I need it in order to put my husband's head on various bodies and to add in those family members that always seem to be missing from photos! I would hear a huge sign of relief from my wallet too! Thanks!
What a great giveaway - thanks for the chance to win!
What an awesome, awesome give away! If I won this I would give it to my son who is in college and is an amazingly talented kid but who needs an updated version of this software. He would be blown away if I was able to give this to him. Thank you for the opportunity.
I would love this! I just got a Mac, and haven't splurged on buying Photoshop yet!
Finished photography at Algonquin college in the spring and working as a photographer plus a student for another program. Can't afford to upgrade yet I used photoshop daily and mine current one crashes all the time! Very inconvenient!!! Would love to be able to edit an image without the crashing problems each time.
This is awesome! I've had a Mac for almost four years now, but no photo editing software. I'm a photographer and have let my creative side lack these past few years—this would definitely give me some inspiration!
Please oh please pick me!! I just crossed over from the PC world to Mac and loving it! Just no so in love with re-purchasing software I once had. This would be so helpful to me.
Well...of course I won't die without it, but I WOULD LOVE CS5 for the Mac! Not only would it allow me and my husband to expand our photo editing excitement, but it would leave a few extra dollars in our budget for other photo gear, like rockin' camera bags that aren't just useful, but extremely fashionable too! (Holy run-on sentence Bat-Man. Sorry, excitement does that to me. Kind of like sugar!) Thanks sharing your gift from PS with your fans and the opportunity to enter the giveaway!
A while back, I switched over to a Mac. It took me some time to get used to it, but I now LOVE it!! I was lucky enough to score CS3 from my sister, but have been looking to upgrade. There is no way that I could afford CS5 right now, so I would LOVE to win this!! :D Much Mahalos, in advance!
I would love to win this for my MacBook Pro so that I can stop editing on my old PC and transferring files back and forth. This would help me use my time more efficiently:). I would greatly appreciate this opportunity to expand my business. Thanks for the opportunity!
Oh I would LOVE to have this! My first paid photography shoot was in March of last year, and I would love to win this as an anniversary present celebrating a year of success. I have been using Photoshop Elements for MAC, but dream of upgrading to full Photoshop once I can afford the expense. To win would not only allow me to have greater control over the photos I edit, but would help me get to that level of service and creativity so much sooner. It would be a beautiful gift to me and my business!
Have the Mac, the camera, and Ginger in brown. CS5 would complete the package. It would be nice to win something positive right now the first few months of the year have been dragging..
I could use an upgrade!
I've only ever owned PCs but I just ordered my first Mac this past Monday (after much consideration, especially of my iPod, iPhone and iPad love!). Unfortunately, the budget didn't stretch as far as Photoshop, so this would be ideal!
I dont have any photoshop software and I need some badly!!!!
I recently just purchased my first imac desktop and I have been taking photography classes for a year!! I would love to have this software to start perfecting my skills!!! Thanks!!!!
Oh wow! What a fantastic prize :-)
I would sooooooo much love to win CS5! I have CS4 on my pc desktop, but just recently bought a macbook and would love to upgrade :-)
I need this because I don't have it!!!
I need this because I feel left out of the game with PSE! :)
My PC died at the first of the year and my DH was nice enough to replace it with a MAC....which I LOVE....unfortunately the cost of replacing software means this will just take some time. It would be an AMAZING blessing to get this. Thanks for the opportunity!!
I have a Mac and I love photography. Unfortunately, I don't have ANY photo editing software and I've been needing to have one. I know winning this (hopefully) will help me a lot and help me learn more about photo editing. I have little knowledge about Photoshop and I would love to learn more!!!
My husband so proudly gave me a MacBook Pro late last year. He's so proud of all I have accomplished and am trying to accomplish with my new venture into photography as a business. I will never forget the pride in his face as he gave me the new Mac - when I start to doubt myself it's this that gets me through! I would love to have CS5 with which to edit. Such a fantastic opportunity - thank you so much!
This would be a great gift for my son! He recently graduated from college, and is an Apple fanatic. It could help him getting a job.
I NEED this for my friend. We rescue dogs and she is a Vet and has done all our vet work for free just for the love of the dogs since Jan we have rescued 14 dogs and she has spayed,vaccinated and microchipped and comes when ever we need her, she is such a selfless person and I would love to be able to give her something back that she really needs but can't afford people like her make the world go round. ♥
I need this! I just upgraded to a Mac and have no money leftover for a CS5 upgrade too. Pick me! ;)
I would love to win this to upgrade my editing software to surprise my wife!!!! We would be in heaven!
I would be forever grateful to win this CS5. It would help my business grow and to answer your question - I do NEED this :D
Words can't describe how much I need this! I currently have a pc but am planning on purchasing a mac in the next month or so. Needless to say, I'll be dropping a wad of cash on that mac and I just will not be able to afford CS5 to go on it! How can I have a computer without CS5??? It would be awesome to already have CS5 so when I get my new mac it's all ready to be loaded on!
OMG!!! I would love to have this!!! I am a MAC and a recent admirer of all that photoshop can do. I am in the process of starting a photography business and learning all about photoshop! Thanks for the opportunity!
I have recently started my photography business and would really benefit from CS5. I need this to continue my growth and because it will only enhance my already great pictures!!
Oh my goodness! I have a MAC! I have PSE 6 right now and would love CS5 for all of the extra amazing capabilities!! Thank you! Awesome giveaway!
I do need this! I have a MAC and I love photoshop! Hope I win!
I do have a Mac, and I could use this software to keep up with my freelance clients (I'm a technical editor, but I also do some document formatting and design) and support my photography hobby.
I would LOVE to win this!!! I am in the beginning stages of my photography and have been using my pals Lightroom on her Mac to edit photos!! I have my own Mac and now I just need my own editing software!!! Fingers crossed!!
1. I have a Mac. Yeah!
2. I would LOVE this!
3. Why? Well, I do have an old version of Photoshop, but would love to have the newer version.
Oh my, this is perfect. I have a Mac, and I have been saving my pennies for some real editing software. I have been editing all my photos in Picnik, which was awesome when I was just starting out, but now I'm trying to take things to the next level. This would be amazing!
Oh I would love to have this. I've been using Elements but I miss some of the functionality of Photoshop. I'm a stay at home mom now so I don't have access to Photoshop anymore so this would be perfect!
I would love to own this! I've been growing as a photographer for the past few years, but I still have very limited post-processing experience. I love working in the creative suite, but I can't afford it on my home computer. This would be amazing!
Thank you for the giveaway!