Adobe Photoshop CS5 Give-away!

Adobe gave us a copy of Photoshop CS5 Extended for MAC. We thought it would be fun to give it away. Do you have a MAC? Do you need this? Tell us why in the comments before midnight Thursday, the 31st. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on April Fools Day. But we swear, this is not a joke. Good luck! :)
Reader Comments (318)
I love MACs, that's all I ever used. However, I do not own one anymore because my husband was told that PCs handle website design better, so we switched. I have a PC with Photoshop CS5 already. But if I had the full version for a MAC I would switch back in a minute.
Hi, I have a mac and so need this because...#1- I am an aspiring photographer & #2- I have only been using Picnik & #3- there are so many beautiful "actions" out there that I have never tried!!!
So, yes, I need to win!!!!! :))))))))))))))))))))
Ooo this is fabulous! Thanks for your generosity. I could totally use this because I'm stuck in the "3"'s as in CS3. :)
I sooooo need CS5 for a Mac!!!! I am switching from PC to Mac next month and do not have CS5 yet!!...this would make my switch complete (as I already have LR for Mac :) I have been using Photoshop since version 2...there is nothing like it, I have taught a course in PS at our local community centre...LOVE Adobe products! Thank you so much for this offer!!
I would love to win this PS for Mac as I am switching to Mac but my world would be lost without PS ... and I can't afford to buy it right now. Thank you for this chance to win!!
I just switched to a mac, and I don't have any editing programs for it. I am desperate for this! Thanks for the offer!
OMG I love my Mac and I love PS. I would love to win this!
What a blessing this would be if I won! I really need to upgrade my editing software!! Thank you!
I need this because it would be a lot more fun to explore and use than elements!
OK, I forgot to say why. My Mac is my baby and photos are my life. If it's not in a photo, it didn't happen. Photoshop is essential to any photo editing and I'd love to have it. I have an ancient version and can't afford to upgrade. Please make my day!
I would SO love to have this! I've been wanting a Mac forever but have been hesitant because I would have to buy new photo software for it (my PC came with Elements). Mac + CS5 would be a dream come true!
Oh my gosh this is an amazing give away!!! Someone is going to be one happy winner!!!
I am a diehard Mac user and I use Aperture for all of my photo processing. While I absolutely love Aperture I am desperately needing CS5 for extensive edits. I downloaded the trial a few months back and cried like a baby when it expired. CS5 is amazing!!!!
Good luck everybody and congratulations to the winner! ...I hope it's me! ;)
oh gosh yes. 2 websites, one in the works, all with my awesome Nikon D30 which would look even more amazing if I had any sort of editing software! Thanks :)
Recently switched from PC to MAC.....had photoshop on my PC.....Really need it for the MAC!! I do all the photo's for the school website and all the sports!! Just upgraded to a new camera....and of course I have 2 Epiphanie bags....this would bring it all together!:-)
OOOOOOH! Ive been wanting to upgrade for so long! With wedding season right around the corner, this would be peeeeerfect!
I think my heart just skipped a beat! I soooo NEED this! So last year my mother-in-law got me my dream Macbook Pro for my birthday because she knew I had been dreaming of it for awhile and had almost saved enough to buy it but then my husband (her son) ended up in the hospital and nearly died from an artery that unexpectantly burst in his brain. With only a 20% chance to live, he miraculously survived and has had a great recovery but is a little limited in his abilities and cannot return to work full-time. As our life has settled down this year (and we need to have some extra income), I have been expanding my photography business and upgraded my camera to the Nikon D7000 (my Christmas present). However, I am stuck with PSE8 and Lightroom 2 for my editing choices ... this may not sound like a problem to most except that I cannot shoot in RAW anymore because the new Nikon D7000 has a RAW format that is not recognized by my old editing programs ... I am now forced to shoot exclusively in jpeg unless I upgrade my editing software. There is no way to afford upgrades at this time so I have been making do with what I have, but I am desperately missing shooting in RAW. I also have expanded my photography business to include designs of photo cards, storyboards, etc. and know that this would be so much easier with CS5 instead of elements and allow me to really make a higher quality product.
Thanks so much for this generous giveaway ... what a fantastic opportunity!!!!
A girl can ALWAYS use an upgrade! :D And a chance at a free upgrade? Not something I'll turn down. :) Thanks for the opportunity.
I need this because I'm an amateur photog and am feeling confident in Lr and now need to learn Ps! Pick me, pretty PLEASE:)
I have a newly started Etsy and Ebay business! I desperately need to enhance my photography. I am shooting food...specifically variations of Cake Pops, Cupcakes, Cookies and Chocolate! I NEED it please!
Oh this would be so amazing. I just got a mac and have to by a new copy of elements to go on it. I have been wishing I could actually afford to go to cs5. It would be absolutely amazing to be able to win this.
OMG i NEED this. i'm just starting out with my photography and i have no editing software! i desperately need this!!!
(sorry for typos, nursing)
... because PSE just isn't cutting it anymore! :-)
I would LOVE to have PS CS5. I am still on just CS. Need a new upgrade badly. Thanks for the chance.
Not having PS for Mac is the only thing stopping me from completely moving off of my old, taped together PC :)
This would be awesome!
I am purchasing my first MAC tomorrow!!! II have always had to use a PC because of the architecture programs I use. Since the programs are all slowly converting to run on MAC, I figured it was time to purchase one of the "little pieces of heaven" (Macbook Pro)!!! Now, if I only had Photoshop.... my photography could benefit from it too! It would be a wonderful present to receive Photoshop CS5!
this is so cool! I have had my macbook for nearly 4 years, and am planning to buy a new one pretty soon, because I want to start a new school in the fall. attending that school has been my dream and goal for the last 2 years. winning this would mean that I would have one less thing to pay off in order to afford the school ;)
I really (REALLY) want this, no need this:) I've been wanting to convert from PC to Mac, but couldn't justify spending the money again to purchase Photoshop....but if I win it would be perfect!
Photoshop, oh what a joy!
(and CS5?? HUZZAH! OH BOY!)
for with it's shiny buttons sing
of MAC creative, artsy things.
oh what a treat to hold it near
and input photos RAW and clear
My CS3 was great, now old
but CS *FIVE* is grand and BOLD!
The possibilities are endless
with 3D painting, (oh the roundness!)
with mixer brushes and bristle tips,
and PUPPET WARP! ..ooh boy! What's this?
To put it simply, i would FREAK!
to hold in my hands this box so sleek.
A sleeping pill I'd need to devour
for fear I'd be up at all hours!
With merriment and thought, I'd muse
of Photoshop tools that I would fuse
with documenting life (my love),
We'd fit together... like a glove.
I desperately need a photo editing program so I really hope I win!!!
I scraped together every penny I could to purchase my CS4..which I bought from a software clearinghouse on ebay. I didn't realize that my copy was grey market until I tried to upgrade to CS5 and Adobe said no-go. Ack! I'm a rule follower, law abider goody-goody and I accidentally bought the bad stuff. I'd love to have a legitimate copy of Photoshop CS5. Then I could stop feeling like I am doing something wrong every time I use my copy of Photoshop. Help me get clean! :)
Oh how I would love love love this. My PC is on its last legs, and next up will definitely be a Mac...but I will then be out my photo editting software (and out of money to buy a new version!). How wonderful it would be to win this!!
Thanks for the opportunity to win Photoshop. I've been using Photoshop for years on my MAC to edit my photos and graphics, and I love the program. But, I'm many, many generations behind in the software - to put it mildly. As a side note, I have a fledgling sewing blog that I update regularly with photos edited with my ancient version of Photoshop and taken by my DSLR, which is housed in an Epiphanie bag. The bag rocks, so thank you for all the time and effort you put into its design. I get compliments whenever I take it out, and I wanted to share those compliments with you.
Krista, please count me in.........I can use it! Steve
Because I can't figure out Aperture!
What a great giveaway! I'd love to be able to upgrade my ancient version of Elements to CS5!
Wowza!! This is sa-weeeet!! :))) I am rockin' an old school version of Photoshop and need an update badly! Unfortunately I can't afford it now, and don't know when I will be able to purchase it on my own. I started my business in the negative and I'm working a couple of other side jobs to keep head above water (and treading water is exhausting!) I can only run my business in cash right now, so anything like this to help increase my quality & worth (for free!) means the world to me!!! The fact that you're doing a give-away is so generous! Thank you :)
I would love this...I am still learning the ropes of photography and Photoshop and this would totally help!!
I need an upgrade bad! Been working with CS3 for a while now!
My daughter graduates high school in June, heading to college in the fall. She's a staunch activist for social change, and she would make such good use of all these tools. What fun to be able to give it to her.
wow! how generous of you! I do indeed have a Mac and I would love to win CS5. No great story about why I need it other than 1. I would love to upgrade 2. I have no money to do so :(
I reallllly need a copy of CS5. I am currently running a VERY sluggish CS4 on my old Mac right now. I'm looking to buy a brand new MacBook Pro, and would love, love, LOVE a spankin' brand new copy of CS5 to go with it. Please, help me escape the grips of old slow sluggish CS4!!
I have PSE7 and Mamma wants to go to the Mutha Ship with CS5.
I am switching from a PC to a MAC in the next couple of weeks and would LOVE to win this! I would be so grateful if I didn't have to buy the program again! What an awesome giveaway!
I have a beautiful big Mac and no Photoshop for it! I've been rocking the trial versions, but there's only so long that can last :(
This is an amazing giveaway! I've been dying to get some editing software so I could do more than what picnik offers, but I just can't afford anything right now! This would be so cool to win!! :D
My husband bought me a MacBook Pro for Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I love it. Adore it. But he didn't think about the fact that I use Photoshop to process the fine art edits on my photos. So I'm working across both platforms right now. This would make my life so much better!
I had the original CS on my old macbook pro and when the computer crashed, I lost my version of CS, too. I finally saved up for a new laptop but can't afford to buy Photoshop! I would LOVE CS5 :)
I'd love to be able to make layouts and work on classes in photoshop from my laptop! Having CS5 would make traveling so much more pleasant too!
I have a Mac! And I would love this! All I have now is PSE6 and I am in serious need of an upgrade! And my mom knows Photoshop because she uses it in her work everyday so she could teach me. :-)
This would be amazing! I really want to try the 3D effects on this software. Thanks for the giveaway!