Adobe Photoshop CS5 Give-away!

Adobe gave us a copy of Photoshop CS5 Extended for MAC. We thought it would be fun to give it away. Do you have a MAC? Do you need this? Tell us why in the comments before midnight Thursday, the 31st. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on April Fools Day. But we swear, this is not a joke. Good luck! :)
Reader Comments (318)
I see all the cool things photoshop CS5 can do and then I go back home to my CS3 and we weep together.
I would love this. I have an older iMac and I have no photo editing software for it. I would love to have this to work on my photos. Thank you for giving it away. Hope I win. Blessings!
My PC died recently and I upgraded to a MAC and my Photoshop program is for Windows and I would love to have a new program for my MAC.
So awesome that you guys are giving it away! I've been saving up to buy it for my MacBook Pro so I can expand my business and be more mobile.
I need this! I got a Mac last year and love it! But I could hardly afford CS3. I didn't install the whole suite somehow (I didn't expect to need/use every program), and now I need InDesign for work and of course lost my discs when I moved. And I heard the workflow is so much easier with the newest Photoshop!
I NEED this. You wanna know why? I'm working with CS2, still. This would make my YEAR to win this!
Nice nice nice!!! I have a Mac (of course). I currently use CS3 but would LOVE all the new features in CS5 - i.e. Content Aware. I'd use it for all my photo editing. It would be a great compliment to LR3! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I need an updated PS badly! I am trying to get my photography business off the ground and I haven't been able to update since the MAC CS3 version. This would be such a huge help in increasing my workflow and give me more editing options. Pick me please!! :)
I work for a small jewelry company and we need this to edit our product shots! P.S. I <3 Epiphanie and Macs!
OH I so need this! I bought CS4 last year and less than one month later CS5 came out and Adobe would not exchange. Needless to say, I can't afford to upgrade and really really need to. Now my teenage daughter is taking photoshop in school and it's all CS5 and I should have this at home for her.
Thank you for the chance to win this!
I just got an iMac and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have this! What an awesome give away!
My PC died and i have upgraded to a Mac! Which is great! The Photoshop on this computer and i haven't been able to get the cash together to buy a new version of it!
I need this! I just got the Canon 5Dmkii and am in LOVE with it, but I'm still rocking an older version of PS and the ACR version with that isn't compatible with the 5D's RAW files! I badly need to upgrade to CS5 to get the most out of my new camera.
I am a Mac girl 100%, have been since high school. I was just wondering when the heck I would ever be able to upgrade from my CS3, Maybe this is my answer : ) Either way I hope it goes to someone who really needs it and will be blessed. Thanks for doing this guys!
Have you seen the price of Photoshop? I spent all my money on the camera and computer, the rest is just going to have to wait ;)
I look forward to upgrading to CS5 for my Mac, and if I win a copy I can use the money I save to get one of your camera bags :)
Thanks for the giveaway! I just bought Lightroom 3 and this is the perfect companion.
Do I need this ... oh my yes I do. I am a mother of 5 daughters, a retired veteran after serving 23 years, and now between chauffering, tutoring, cooking, cleaning, I love taking pictures. I am currently using Lightroom 2, which I love, so this would be a wonderful addition. Crossing my fingers I am chosen!
oooo yeah! What a fun giveaway! Ok, why do I NEED this? I currently use LR3 and PS Elements 9...I did have the trial of cs5 extended and, man oh man, was it sooooo AWESOME! It's would help to streamline my work (better than elements is doing...) I am in the beginning stages of my photography business (have been studying for 4 years and finally took the leap). I'm a single mom of three and right now, I cannot afford to upgrade to CS5 Extended (although Adobe did send me a really tempting offer! - Why didn't they just mail me one too? LOL!) Besides, for the price of this...if I received it from the Lovely Epiphanie ... do you know how many Epiphanie bags I could buy? I seriously could have one for every outfit! yeah!
OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!!!!! I need this so badly. I've been using an old, old version of Photoshop Elements and Lightroom. I've been absolutely dying to get CS5, but just can't afford it. Pick me!!! Pick me!!!
I need this so badly. I too have a new mac and only had CS3 for the former PC. Please help a sister out!!!
I recently moved back to Newfoundland, having to leave 3/4's of my gear behind. It took me over 2 years to accumulate it all. So having something as pivotal as the editing program CS5 would really put a smile on my face, and make things that much more manageable :)!
Ahhh, I would love to win this! I have been clinging on for dear life to my PC which has CS2 on it, but it is definitely on it's last leg! I have been wanting to upgrade to a Mac, but haven't yet because of the re-investment in the software. I use PS too much to go without it for too long!
I work in tv production and switched over to a Mac a year ago but sadly do not have the funds to invest in CS5. For now I have to wait till the end of the work day and stay late to play on the edit computers. Needless to say my skills are suffering...
I have lightroom but desperately need to add this to the arsenal!
It would make my YEAR to win this!! I need it, need it, need it!!!
It would be so fun to have a better program for my picture editing. Love this idea of a give away!!!! But then, who wouldn't :)
I have a mac and this would be awesome! I have an old version and so want to learn more about PS - this would be the push to make it happen. I love love photography (and my beautiful E bag that my stuff is carried in!) but have just started to play with editing and realizing it's impact (more than cropping).
Thanks for the chance.
Oh! CS5! I'd love to be the cool kid on the block that has that!
I recently got an iMac for the purpose of editing pictures (among other things). I purchased Photoshop Elements, but I would like to move up to the 'full version'. Thanks for the chance to win!
OH my gosh this would be a dream to win! I am slowly but surely building up my library of editing software, this one is at the top of the list but seems so out of reach!! Oh it would be amazing, and really help boost my photography!
Oh my giddy aunt. Oh my freaking goodness. Oh my stars in Heaven. If I win this I will pee my pants. And that's a promise.
I have been trying to save money for this for my mac for yonks- and I am pretty good at photography but not so flash at saving up :).
Oh, I need this bad!! I'm currently only using Lightroom for my editing and I just got a new Mac at Christmas. This would help take my photos to that "next" level. Me, me, me!!
I am in the market for a new desktop computer. I have been looking at the iMac - it looks awesome. Purchasing all new software is holding me back. This is just what I need so can buy a MAC. Thanks so much for the giveaway!!
I really really need this! I need this program to do some editing for my Master's Thesis and I would love to have it for my photos!
I would LOVE a free copy of the new photoshop. I am a graduate student, and therefore, don't have that extra cash flow for outrageously expensive things like adobe software!! Pick me. Pick me. :P
I just recently lost my full time job, the universe has officially pushed me to go out on my own. I have to invest in my own computer equipment and this would help lighten the blow SO much! Fingers crossed!!!!!
I'd love to upgrade from PSE 9 to CS 5. Thanks for the chance!
To all new Mac users here, call Adobe and they'll swap your PC software for the Mac equivalent. For free!
What a great giveaway! I spend 90% of my time on my computer in PS!!!
Please, please, please pick me!!!
I just had Photoshop CS5 extended put on my PC last year, since then my husband & I have jumped into missionary work. We are working along side his parents in Belize & traveling across the states & soon to Canada!! My job is keeping everything posted online, photographing all events, & so on... I'm about to make the jump to a Mac because my PC just isn't cutting it! I so NEEED this program!!!
Thanks for the awsome giveaway Epiphanie!
P.S. Lola Red makes my <3 SuPeR HaPPy!!!!
Fabulous Giveaway!! I LOVE my mac and am currently using PSE for all of my photo editing. I'd love to have CS5 but cannot currently afford it after purchasing my new camera!! Would love to win this giveaway!!
Thanks Epiphanie!
I totally need to upgrade my Photoshop so I can use the content aware tool! It's soo amazing! Thanks for this giveaway Epiphanie and Adobe!
I still have CS3. I would love to upgrade to CS5 but just can't spare the change right now !!! :-)
Our computer is about to die and it's so slow editing! My husband is getting me a mac for my birthday in April but a new PS is going to have to wait until at least Mothers Day! This would get me editing on the mac so much sooner! Thanks!
Oh this would be a dream come true. I want CS5 so badly. Thank you for the amazing chance to win!
I would love to get this. I currently have CS2, but have never upgraded because since I have the whole creative suite, Adobe will only let me have the upgrade price for the whole creative suite, not just photoshop (even though creative suite is just a bundle of their products) :(
I have a Mac. Only 1 year now and I Really need PS. I think it would really benefit me! Being new to this business Its hard to make BIG investments and I really wanted to invest in my gear first so because of CS5's cost I just haven't been able to get it. Thank you for sharing this opportunity!! *fingers crossed* This would so greatly improve my work and help me grow!!
yes! i'm trying to start freelancing :)
I recently got a DSLR and I've been wanting to buy Photoshop, but haven't done so yet. I would love a chance to win it. Thanks for the great giveaway!