Adobe Photoshop CS5 Give-away!

Adobe gave us a copy of Photoshop CS5 Extended for MAC. We thought it would be fun to give it away. Do you have a MAC? Do you need this? Tell us why in the comments before midnight Thursday, the 31st. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on April Fools Day. But we swear, this is not a joke. Good luck! :)
Reader Comments (318)
I need it because it's free! That, and I don't have it, so therefore I need it. It's a great philosophy.
Ohhhhhh I do need this!! I am currently 100% Lightroom and while I absolutely love Lightroom after using the 30 day trial of CS5 I long for the days to be able to apply layers, make birth announcements/Christmas cards and use actions that I hear so much about. Just be able to give my photos an extra little "sumpin-sumpin".
I am saving right now for so many things including education, gear, marketing tools, ect (well.....aren't we all) this would help out TREMENDOUSLY to knock one of those things off my list.
I've been using Photoshop CS on my Mac since I was a student years ago. I really want to upgrade it as I start my photography business this year but can't afford it yet!
I am a photographer with a MAC and would be so appreciative of this copy of Adobe Photoshop CS5! I am currently using Adobe Photoshop CS4 but I bought it from an online website, so I do not have a hard copy and it runs really slow. I would love the CS5 as much as I love my turquoise Epiphanie camera bag! ;)
Hi Epiphanie, I use photoshop everyday to edit my students work for their portfolios to college. My version is old and I would love CS5. Please pick me. I travel with my camera and I just wanted to add that I love love my Epiphanie Bag. You girls Rock.
I would love to give this to my daughter who is a blogger and foodie. She is heading to Sicily for three months to finish her thesis on cloistered nuns and the confectionary treats they make. Wouldn't it be a surprise for her when she came home and this was waiting!
WIll be upgrading to MAC and definitely will need new software! This would be awesome!
I would SO love to win this!!! :) my sister is graduating highschool in a few moths and is gettig very interested in photography (she got a dslr for her birthday), this would be an awesome graduation present!!
I have a MAC and would love an updated version of CS5 to edit my photos. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I have a Mac. And I have CS4. I've been drooling over CS5 since I went to the NY conference about it given by Scott Kelby. I didn't win a copy of it there (sniff, sniff) and I've been trying to justify the cost ever since. But, dang, Adobe. This stuff is expensive. What's a starving photographer going to do?
Oh my goodness, are you kidding! I would just be giddy to win. I am still using CS3! Oh I wish I had some luck on my side! LOL
I am starting up my own photography business and my photoshop elements program is really out of date!! Love what I have read about this program- thanks for the chance to win it!
I would love to win this, thanks for your generosity!! I am stuck using CS right now and can't justify upgrading with the economy in the rut it is in, hoping and praying I win. Thanks again!
I need a copy of adobe Photoshop CS5 because I finally know how to use it, but I can't afford it :)
i have been wanting photoshop for my mac for YEARS. years, i tell you! i would LOVE to win this.
Just got a mac, would love to have this too! I've only everused PSE, so I'm ready to get my hands on the fully-loaded version!
I have a macbook pro and a point-and-shoot camera. My slr broke (it was 30 years old) and I can't afford to repair it. So, even though I can take photos that are of a quality (because I have learned to be a better photographer), I am still limited on what I can do with those photos once they are taken. Which is why I would LOVE to win this giveaway.
Here's to luck smiling on my wannabe-documentary-photographer self!
PICK ME PICK ME!!! I Need the PS for MAC so I can have an excuse to buy the MAC I need for my photography!!!
Oh my goodness do I need this!!! I'm still working with CS2, which is fabulous, but I could really use the upgrade!
I've been wanting a MAC, but I've put off getting one because I knew I'd have to buy photoshop again. This would be my motivation!!
Oh my goodness, what a fantastic giveaway! I have been a Photoshop Elements for Mac users for years, and I'd love to upgrade to CS5, I have just never been able to afford it! Thanks for this opportunity.
I need CS5 because i want to use curves and the patch tool ....which Elements 8 dont have!
I got an iMac last fall. I love it...iPhoto and Photoshop Elements work wonderfully for photo organization and editing. I've been thinking of upgrading to CS5...winning it would be too cool!
I need CS5 because I currently have CS3 and since I upgraded to the Mark II I can't edit my raw files which makes me really sad and cuts into my usually efficient workflow which I need to keep up since baby #2 is due in May
I need CS5 for the new macbook I just purchased! I have asked everyone I know for a copy with no luck! This will help me put the money towards buying a new lens instead of spending the money on the CS5 mac version. Please Please Please Pick me!
oh my yes! I really do need a new version of Photoshop!! i have the oldest version of photoshop ever (dont even know what version, like from 2003) on my 6 year old imac and it just hobbles along I cant barely use it anymore. I am upgrading to a new mac next month and am probably not going to be able to afford the new version of Photoshop for another year for it - have been working on Photoshop Elements on my work computer (shhhh) and well, I really have to stop doing that!
I've been wanting to upgrade to CS5 for quite some time but unfortunately with two little ones, in school part-time, working full-time and my photography on the's been a challenge to be able to afford and update. I would the love the chance to win this item because it would help take care of the "afford" part and be able to focus on learning how to use it and it apply it to my "hobby" that I would love to make into a "career".
This is such a great giveaway. Keep up the great work!
I switched from PC to Mac recently so I no longer have CS to edit my photos. I bought used copy on Amazon through a seller who did not send it to me. Totally ripped me off. So now the money I had to purchase the program is gone. Sounds crazy but it has made me work on my shots in camera. It has been a great exercise for me but now I really want to go back to editing my photos.
I have a MAC and currently have CS2, so I am way behind the times.
Me! Me! Because then I could make much better digital art with the pictures I take of my Lola bag.
Ahhhh... learning PS is at the very top of my to-do list. Sure would be helpful to have the software on my laptop! (And I could put the money that I save on the software toward the Epiphanie bag I've been coveting!)
My co-editor and I, work on, we are a little start up in our second year and having CS5 would def help with all the photos I have to edit from our designers! I upgraded to CS 4 just under 2 years ago and can't afford to upgrade again for a bit. This would be a life saver as I use dreamweaver, illustrator, photoshop and many others in the CS5 collection!!
I do have a Mac. It is old, battered and held together in several places by sticky tape. Yet it still works as good as the day I got it. My copy of Photoshop is also very old and battered, and I'd dearly love a new edition, if only to spruce up my bockety laptop with (although I would use it for a lot more than that!).
I have a mac and need the latest version of CS5 extended so that I can edit all of the great photos I am taking of our beautiful baby girl to share with our family and friends!
I love my Mac! My husband and I were PC users until we saw the light and have completely switched! I personally have converted 4 other PC's to the brightside! I use PSE 8 now but would love to be able to have all of the functions of CS5 Photoshop. Pick me!!
AWESOME! I would put this to good use with my illustrations!!! thank you for offering it!
I should win it so I can take some of the money I have been saving for it and buy an Epiphanie bag instead! :)
I NEED this program BECAUSE.....Me, my husband, and my baby are still living at my parents house and I can't afford all the extra equipment and programs I need to try to start my photography business so we can MOVE OUT!!! Please oh please....mama needs a photoshop editing program for her mac!
'cos I still haven't figured out PSE6...
I so need this because I would rather spend my money on Epiphanie bags. :)
My mac and my creativity sure would love to win this!
Honestly, anything to help me with photo editing will be greatly appreciated.
I so need this, I have been trying to get more in depth to Photography and can't afford all the bells and whistles, would love this software!!
I have been thinking about switching to a Mac, and upgrading my photoshop, (I have CS2). This would be a great opportunity to take the plunge.
I'd love to have a copy of this! I've been in the market for new editing software,and this would be awesome!
After having a few jobs that don't have room for creativity and getting close to wrapping up my MBA, I'm ready to strike out on my own - it's pretty scary but I know that purchasing photoshop products will help me to enhance my future business and they are going to be a start-up necessity and will benefit the clients I intend to work with. what an incredible giveaway!
I am a new photographer thinking seriously about entering the "professional" world......I would love both Lightroom and CS5, but the dollars are just not there yet! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
My laptop finally died and I invested in a MacBook Pro for my new photo business, which means I don't have the money to buy Photoshop right now so winning CS5 would be amazing! CS5 means more money for me with my work and more money hopefully means a new Epiphanie bag. Love what you guys do! Thanks for throwing this out there.
I am an illustrator and photographer and use Photoshop on a daily basis. I'm on an extremely limited budget, being a recent graduate having to pay off all of my school loans. Being able to win the latest version of Photoshop would really help me out!!
I would love to win this as I just switched over to being a new Mac user a few weeks ago after my PC died. It's so different from my PC! I have over 4000 photos of my baby from birth to 16months on my iPhone that I just transferred to iPhoto but it seems limited compared to what I could do in Photoshop on my PC. I'm starting to work on Mother's & Father's day prezzos for the grandparents and Photoshop would be great to help with that.